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Best Horrifying Quotes This Year

  1. Pluto* Pluto*
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2013 1:23pm UTC
    The horrifying moment when your cat
    keeps staring with wide eyes at something you can't see.

  2. *Suicidal Fantasy* *Suicidal Fantasy*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 9:46am UTC
    Yesterday I found out that my friend got a black eye from her father punching her in the face.....she called the cops and and they didn't believe her even though she had a black eye because the father lied....my friend gets constantly abused..smacked, punched, and manipulated, one time he smacked her in the face because she didn't look him in the eye last night I prayed for her but I need others to so please pray for her safety....please

  3. MyBrokenHorizon MyBrokenHorizon
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2013 8:46pm UTC
    what if the only reason we can’t walk through mirrors is because our reflection blocks
    us what if they’re protecting us though what if they know that the other side is horrifying and painful and they are trying to keep us from ever crossing over
    I must be on the wrong side of the mirror then
    or maybe I'm the reflection.

  4. chia_teaa chia_teaa
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    Your downfall can cause you grief loss
    and other horrifying things
    but it gives you at least one good thing
    a new start

  5. teddybearhugz teddybearhugz
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 5:52am UTC
    I just re-realised how horrifying my bad side is...
    My fear of myself has grown once again.


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