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Best Goinginsane Quotes This Month

  1. crazyshaelie crazyshaelie
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 12:14pm UTC
    I'm paranoid,
    It's like a sixth sense,
    A part of me died,
    And I haven't been right since.

  2. crazyshaelie crazyshaelie
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 12:42pm UTC
    No one notices
    how I seem to jump back
    when they ask if I'm feeling okay.
    It's like I'm afraid
    for someone to notice
    Yet, at the same time,
    I wonder why no one can see--
    That I'm not okay
    In fact, I'm anything but...
    How does everyone believe my excuses?
    How can they not see the sadness in my eyes?
    --Not even my own parents
    Have I been acting for that long?
    Am I really that good at lying through my teeth?
    ...or does no one care enough...

  3. crazyshaelie crazyshaelie
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 12:11pm UTC
    I work so hard, to not go insane...
    ...but it's a full-time job to not lose my brain.

  4. crazyshaelie crazyshaelie
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 12:28pm UTC
    I'm not sure many people understand what exactly I make quotes about. Not that many people really pay attention either, but I'd like to talk about it.
    I am an insomniac with depression.
    I'm sure some of you can relate.
    For those of you who can, you know how terrible that mix is. For those of you who can't, I'll explain. Insomnia is a sleeping condition, one in which you cannot sleep due to stress, or just rapid thoughts, kind of like an ADHD mind: you jump from thought to thought and cannot stay focused or secure your energy to a certain level. Having depression, what happens to me, personally, thoughts of depression are overwhelming, because it is all you can think. You think one terrible thought, which leads to another, and to another, and to another... a never ending cycle, and a torturous inescapable hell.
    You feel as if you're insane...and I very well may be.
    My quotes are generalized feelings I have dealing with these two things.
    Now, I'm sure you're wondering what the point of all this is, exactly.
    I want to relate.
    I want to help.
    I want to show other teenagers, that they are not the only ones up all night. You're not the only one who breaks down in the middle of the day, without another soul knowing. There is someone else out there who's depression is secret, though scars are not hidden. I, too, go unnoticed.
    And if anyone, ever, needs to talk about what they're feeling.
    You are not alone... I am right here with you.

  5. dapz95 dapz95
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 4:04pm UTC
    "If I rest, if I go inwards
    I go mad"
    - Sylvia Plath

  6. BreakingOnMetal BreakingOnMetal
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    The other day i thought about taking my own life again. i thought this feeling was finally going to go away. but it crept up and hit me out of nowhere. i stayed up the whole night making a notebook of different ways id like to do the job. i cried, smoked weed, and tied all my loose ends with family, friends, ex's, ect. i got dressed nicely and did my make-up super nice. i was going to do it. although, i really didnt have a particular reason to do it. im not sure where the feeling even came from. its been so much worse lately. all i want to do is be high to the point where i dont know whats happening to me; a state where i cant feel a thing. inside or out. today is the first day in two weeks that i havent had any weed and im going insane. you dont even know. im shaking when i think about going to sleep sober tonight. i hate it. they even took all my pills away from me. they cant just do that. all i want is sleep. like how i did last week. id take a couple sleeping pills and when id wake up id take more and more; over and over. i slept for about 2-3 days. i want that. i want to sleep, wake up, go to school, come home and then sleep until i have to go back to school. i wish i could have a week off of school to just sleep. id love that. to sleep for a week straight. that would be absolutely wonderful. i hate the fact that they just took my pills and still expect me to sleep. im not fuucking adicted. i just want sleep. doesnt everyone? why are you paying so much attention to what i do? stop. youre not invited to examine every little thing i do. god you all drive me fuucking insane. none of my problems just went away. their al still there. i dont get why you people get to just chose the way i live. its not okay. you dont see me telling you all how to live your lives. so stop trying to run mine. i dont see a point in anything at all anymore. im normally the person that you cant get to stop smiling. lately, i have to force myself to half smile. i dont want to smile. not much has really made me smile in a while. you all suck. ive been falling behond in all my classes too. i just dont do any work. theres no point. i honestly just hate everything lately. if im sitting in class and look peacfuly doing my work. im really going absolutely fuucking insane in my head. the littlest thins make me so angry and upset and worried. the smallest things make me cry myself to sleep. im so used to being high that it doesnt effect me at all anymore. i feel uncomfortable and weird and shaky when im sober. im not used to it. i dont like it. i can actually think when im sober. god this sucks. where did i go wrong? how on earth did i end up this way?


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