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Best Faithnoelleach Quotes This Month

  1. fefe123 fefe123
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2014 12:24pm UTC
    Here’s the story of Me & Austin.
    We first started talking over Facebook; he was my Best Friend (Derek’s) cousin. We talked for a while, he called me “Beautiful” every time he said “Hey(:”, I got butterflies every time we talked. We never really met till November 30th, we hung out at the mall, him, my best friend & I. It’s actually funny how we met, I was so scared to meet him that every time he’d ask where I was I’d say somewhere where I wasn’t, ha. Finally he saw us in route 21. We hung out for like...2 hours, bouncing bouncy balls off the boucany and just messing around. On December 1st he asked me out, I was so happy. Next day he came over and got to meet my dad, my dad liked him a lot, he still does. We spent every day together till something terrible happened. On December 19th, I was with Austin at his house, we were outside, his dad was acting weird, not like normal…couple minutes later we were traumatized. Austin’s dad has shot himself in front of us. I rushed him out of that place as soon as I could, his mom made me keep him safe because (Daryn) Austin’s dad’s brother had thought we did it. I stayed up all night holding him, he cried so much…it was so painful to see. I went to His Viewing and Funeral and I still held Austin. He blamed himself, I kissed him and told him to never think that. Austin lived with me for a little while. Then his mom came and got him the 21st. Christmas came and I thought he wasn’t gonna come because of what happened, he said I’d see him after Christmas sometime, everyone kept it from me; Austin on Christmas came to me with a Beautiful necklace and bracelet. I Cried and hugged him so much, I was breathless. Then January 1st, our anniversary, we went skating, he kissed me on the skating floor while the ball dropped, balloons fell and music played. It was like I was in a fairy tale and he was my prince charming, he still is. Then January 13th came, we were fighting because so many people tried to break us up, well we gave up, we let everyone win, they broke us up. I was so heartbroken because I loved him more than anything even after I went through so much with him. Then we started talking again, we had something again but lost if, Now we’re talking again, every time we talk he tells me “He misses me”. I Miss Him so much and I want to get back together but I’m so scared to get heartbroken again, He keeps saying he ain’t gonna date no one till he dates me again, I know it wasn’t his fault but what do you guys think?
    Please HELP me…
    Should I give him another chance? Cause I still really do love him.<3


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