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Dearwitty Quotes

  1. Viintagebarbiie Viintagebarbiie
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2014 5:53am UTC
    Dear Witty,
    I guess I have no where else to write this where It wont be Read.
    I question myself: Where is my life heading?
    Down the drain.
    Trying my hardest to make the most of my life.. But when I get ideas..
    They fail..
    Sometimes I wonder why am I living?
    I have nothing to live for.

  2. Viintagebarbiie Viintagebarbiie
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2014 3:05am UTC
    Dear witty,
    Sometimes I dont even know what to do with myself.
    I have screwed life up in many ways possible..
    I have made stupid decisions, I have done many mistakes.
    Yeah my boyfriend is the only thing i have going for me but sometimes i wished that i was dead instead.
    you can possibly say my life is messed up, a spilt family; a mum whos selfish & a dad who doesnt give a s**t.
    i keep myself going through life but im close to just giving up and throwing it all in.
    i guess you can say...
    im tired

  3. AwkwardPaws* AwkwardPaws*
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2013 9:06pm UTC
    Dear Witty,
    All I want for christmas is 6 more followers. I already have 4 splendid ones. And that is all I wish for,10 followers.
    Please Make It Happen ♥
    Love, Infinity
    Format by Breeze

  4. cmayl11 cmayl11
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 1:26pm UTC
    Dear Wittians,
    I just wanted to tell you how important it is to be yourself.
    I'm sure you might know what I mean. And when people at
    school don't underdstand you, it hurts, right? So maybe you're
    fake at school. I know I am. And I thank every one of you for
    giving me a place to be myself and be okay with who I am.
    I think we all feel this way. Thanks Steve, yourcool,
    ForeverAndForAlways, oreolover, eli22b, erinRAWR,
    elliegeorgia98, BeautifullyImperfect, and YOU! Thanks
    everyone for writting about your expierences. Thanks
    for helping me grow and learn that it's okay to screw up.
    I'm so thankful for having all of you. They say that you have
    two families. The one you're born with, and the one you
    pick. I'm proud of myself for picking you guys.
    -Claudia May

  5. makeitbetter makeitbetter
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    That quote was so deep I think it got lost at sea...

  6. obrien obrien
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 7:03pm UTC
    Dear Witty,
    This is my first day on my new account. I have a few others that I'm not going to use anymore. Please don't try and find them. I don't really like them anymore so I'm starting fresh. No, I was not Witty famous but still.
    A few thing you should know about me are that I can be blunt but I don't consider myself harsh. One of my favorite movies is The Perks of Being a Wallflower which is how I got the idea to make a quote like this. I play field hockey year round and am a goalie. I also play lacrosse but field hockey is my favorite. My favorite subject in school this year is History. English was my favorite but I honestly cannot stand my teacher this year. I'm a freshmen at a private school somewhere within the US of A but I'm not sure if I should tell you which state or not. I like all music but country would have to be my favorite though I'm not from the South. I'm a bust girl at a very nice restaurant. I work with my sister which has It's ups and downs. My dream is someday to be a fashion designer or writer but I think doing something is a little bit more pratical. I know this is getting to be a long quote so I'll get to the point of what I wanted to say. I've been on witty for several years now and have asked and given advice on here. I personally think someone on here should dedicate their account to answering other users questions and I would like to volunteer. I know I won't always have the best advice but I would keep things anonymous, always be fair, considerate and understanding.
    If you think I should become an advice columnist on witty would you please fave this? Not doing this for faves just trying to see if its a good idea.


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