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Chaptertwelve Quotes

  1. iloveu4ever51 iloveu4ever51
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 1:31am UTC
    Dangerous Chapter Twelve
    ♦ Lauren's P.O.V ♦
    As the wall closed on me it suddenly became darker.I felt my hands trying to find a light source but there was none.I could feel the floor being rocky as distant screaming was heard.I gingerly got up and tried testing my legs.They worked as I walked around almost blindly walked into huge empty pits.Fortunatly I found my way around until I got in a empty room that was littered with deads decaying bodies.I pinched my nose in disgust as I wondered what this place was.Honestly I really didn't know what Abbey was doing I was just saying it to make the truth come out.It seemed like it worked but in the wrong way.I couldn't believe she would push me into this mysterious,disgusting,unknown place.What kind of friend was she?I thought Abbey was better then that so...why?What was she so worried about that I might find out about?Right now I had to find my way and tell someone about Abbey before anyone does anything.Slowly I made my way around the bodies until one stiffened and got up.One by one all of them rose and the nearest one grabbed my ankles.I kicked it and made it fly into the pit of acid.It screamed as the night was drenched in blood.Four to five dead people grabbed me as I tried fighting my way out.Sometimes I got lucky but other times I was completely bound to their mercy.A loud deafening noise was made as I swiveled my head to look at the bony looking guy.He actually had skin but was ancient looking with a long beard going to his chest.I winced as his eye lingered on me and the dead people tightened their grip on me.I struggled but I was getting dragged away to who know's where?I was dragged to an unknown place where flames soared up into the sky as the ashes and gas made me choke to death.The dead people handed me water as I stared at it a couple of minutes.When no one was looking at me I hid it in my pocket just in case if I needed it later.This place sure looked like he//'s image soo could it be...?Why would Alli have connection to the netherworld?Why was Abbey here anyways?Is she in contact with these people or what?Slowly I was trying to figure out the peices but some of them didn't even fit and others just didn't make sense?Why Abbey out of all people honestly?What's her reason and would I even survive?
    "What are we going to do with her boss?"one of the scaly bone bag said.
    A man turned around but he was stunningly hot.The type where the person was so beautiful it felt like they weren't real.I saw the horns on the head and I shuddered in fear.His beauty was dangerous.He was just like glass,beautiful to look at but dangerous to mess around.His lips turned into a curve that hinted unknown secrets and mysteries.I thought the devil would be ugly looking but he actually looks hot...Silently I prayed in my head as his face twisted with pain.Suddenly hot tongs were on my arms and left marks on my arms.I screamed in pain as the devil relaxed.
    "Girl if you dare to say His name then I will kill you in the most cruelest punishment ever."He threatened.
    "Shut up you scaredy cat!"I said without realizing who I was saying it to.
    His face contorted into something indescribable and I knew the glass just became the weapon instead of the beauty."How dare you you insulting waste of trash.No wonder He is not saving you."
    "I don't care what you say!God will save me!"I exclaimed.Even if I was a FBI agent my mom had taught me to believe in God because without him we wouldn't have power.I lifted my arms and knocked the devil himself on his butt.
    "Okay now you've done it.Lock her up!And I'll have a special visit just for Lauren."He said with a sly grin.Fear now crawled at the back of my mind as I tried fighting it off.
    "You can never have me!"I spat on the devils shoes as he hissed in anger.
    "Oh are you sure about that?"He said.
    Positive.If you come any closer to me then I swear I will break your fingers off."I threatened without realizing he is the devil.
    He laughed,"While your at it my name is Aden."
    "Well Aden atleast I have faith in God unlike you who fell to the dark."I hissed.
    He shuddered and in a minute I was being dragged away from the skeltons.He smirked at me and I glared right back at him.
    "Honey I'll see you in a couple of minutes just gotta take care of some business.."He trailed off and I didn't want to know what he meant by that.
    "Don't call me your honey."I said and bristled at the thought of the devil saying that.
    "I'm not the devil I'm his son."He said and I a shocked look on my face.
    ♦ Allison's Grandma's P.O.V ♦
    I taken that guy to the police explaining of what he did and watching their face incredously look at me.Sure I was old but that doesn't mean I'm letting anyone break into my house.
    "So ma'am this young man broke in to your house?"the burly looking officer said.
    "Yes of course officer.He even threatened me if I went to you guys but this country needs to be served justice so other people don't have to deal with this."I said honestly looking straight at the other officer.
    He chuckled,"Well you are some fighter thank you for bringing him here and we will discuss the paperwork tommorrow at 9."
    "Thank you officer Quincy."I said and left quickly.I drove home and baked a new cake for Alli and decided to take her home.The hospital was thankfully releasing her and I was glad my granddaughter was alive.Everyday was lucky for me since I get to see Alli and not worry to leave her all alone.I picked her up at the hospital and saw a flush in her face.I relaxed knowing that Alli would be in a good place.If she was with Jace when I'm out maybe he'll take care of her.Whatever it is Alli probably knows her power now and Jace will help her.His family is of the opposite team but the school had assigned him to help Alli so I decided to call him to train her at home.I didn't like Alli training where a dead body as been found so I had called Jace.
    "Hi Jonathan I'm Alli's grandma."I clarified so he wasn't confused.
    "Uh hi."He said awkwardly and I secretly noted to see whats his records are like.
    "Can you do me a favor Jonathan?"I asked.
    "Sure anything."he says casually.
    "Can you train Alli at my house I have a full room which you can use?"I added.
    Note:Seems like there is a game being played everywhere.Lauren is playing a dangerous game with the devils son but watch out Lauren because your life is the price.Also Lauren should remember unexpected things happen in the most weirdest places ever but is the devils son as he really seems?Now innocent kind grandma got that guy in jail but is her house really safe?Was it even right to ask Jace to train Alli at her house when she knows he's on the opposte FBI team?Seems like someone forgot their common sense which they need it right now since the game is only becoming more Dangerous....

  2. iloveu4ever51 iloveu4ever51
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 11:04pm UTC
    Sick Chapter Twelve
    ♦ Mr.Moody's P.O.V ♦
    I had just met with my inmmate in Japen.I know it was risky to meet up with him but it was worth it.I got the drugs I need and new info on Jenny and plan my first move.Killer101 was informing me on how he felt someone was keeping a eye on him and I had felt that ever since I was following Jenny at the beach.Who could be smart enough to get close enough to my cabin?This person was unknown and could be anyone but soon I'll find out.Meanwhile I want to see pretty little Jenny cry.Hmm what would happen if I took one of her friends just for play?A little blood spill won't hurt and certainly she won't be able to run away.I know her friend's habits and personality so well that I could instantly recognize them in any crowd.Now the plan will fall right where it's supposed and they'll see I'm not crazy.The drug tasted so sweet almost like a slice of heaven and ha!They say drugs are wrong I prove them wrong they increase your intelligence.Soon I would kill Jenny and her friend then I will leave this town.No one will be able to pin it on me.I smiled to myself as the drug smell was everywhere and I know everything would be okay.
    ♦ Hunter's P.O.V ♦
    I had dropped Jenny home and was smiling all the way home.I loved how simple but complex she was.She was the best thing happening to me and it took work and dedication but I'm willing to put in the effort.She seemed really nervous to meet Loren and his girlfriend but I think she relaxed later on.Wonder what Jessamine said to make her relax.I parked the car and went inside of my empty home.I think my dad was asleep so I decided to watch the news.It was nothing special but I wanted to impress Jenny with my French I had learned.Turns out it's pretty useful to impressing your girlfriend.I smiled at the thought of her laughing at my french speaking.Jenny looked so beautiful when she laughed but she rarely did.That made it special and knowing that I might be the reason behind her laughter didn't make me feel useless or something.She was the reason for my smiles and I never wanted to be the reason of her tears.Even if I haven't known her too long I feel like I've known her for my whole life.In the end I knew how Mr.Moody was like but there was no evidence or anything it could just be Jenny hallucinating and I don't think the law will be lenint on Jenny.Especially her mother wouldn't be.When her mom had come to the hosptial she had stormed in a fit of anger that even God would be scared of so I admired Jenny for staying strong.
    ♦ Jessamine's P.O.V ♦
    I had raced off home and entered the lab in my home.It had a mini library and it was the safest place if someone broke in.I was looking up for prisons in japen and realized it was futile.There were thousands of prisons and mental asylums and who knows which one he escaped.Their real names weren't mentioned in the converstaion so I can't locate them like that though.But I could check newspapers and online newspapers to see escaped convicts in the world news section.I looked up online any old articles to see if there was any sights of escaped convicts.Unfortunatly there weren't any that were available because they were used for only CIA's and FBI agents.Unfortunaly either mom wouldn't let me use her pass and username.I took a deep breath and decided to go the library to see if they had old articles.They usually had up to 20 years in easy acess but 20 or more you had to get permission or something.Meanwhile I'll train so I headed up the training area.I changed and punched the bag.Over and over as the converstaion kept on playing and trying to find a angle in this case.Nothing will stop me.I will find a way to see what to do.I kicked into the dummy as it was thrown across the room.Next a robot that I usually trained in and we were in combat.It was fast pace and I knew I was getting better.We'll see who gets away Killer101 and Drugabuse1.
    ♦ Killer101's P.O.V ♦
    I had met up with Drugabuse1 who was my best buddy in the place.I had killed 100 people at most and no one has found out yet.I got double jeopardy so I had to be free.The stupid governement thinking their all that when they're just cowards hiding behind the country.Such a shame that the world has become to this.Now all that fills my mind is the blood of the victims and their muscles tearing up.Bones crunching as they scream but no one hears them.I loved doing this and it was the best job ever given to a human.Only special humans can do it not just some pity excuse of a human.You had to have the brains and the right planning to get things your way and not the governements.They think justice is done when a criminal is behind the bars but criminals get no justice.Isn't killing right?If it was wrong then I would be caught by now.I thought to myself and licked my lips.I had sensed someone hiding in the trees but I kept quiet.If the hunter thinks he's smart then let him but his proud feeling will be crushed when he realizes he's trapped.I had gone to my place where no one knows of.It was sorta in the country but good enough a place to kill someone.
    I drove my car speedily and saw my house was covered in blood.I had kept the heads of my victims as there eyes were watching me.It was hilarious to see them suffer and die.It was so interesting to see how easy a human can be crushed with just one cut or taste.I smiled crookedly as I saw I had kept some of the victims that were my favorite hair and eyes.I loved killing and thats how I had gotten my nickname.My real name was robbie jones.It was simple and nothing that the world will rememeber me by.I loved watching death ever since I was a little kid.My momma who was scared the way I thought had taken me to a physcholgist .
    My momma and daddy had taken me there as I saw the counselor pacing around.I think I scared her with my violent pictures of people dying but there was nothing to be done.When I was 14 I had started taking crack and coccaine.Eventually I dropped out of high school.Who needs high school anyways?If you ask me it was a waste of time learning about things you're never gonna use.Ain't nobody got time for that.I only got time for hurting and killing people.My friend has love using girls emotions to get what he wants and I loved using people's fear.The shocked face they get when they realize the truth and when they die.Oh god!I had felt like I was watching a comedy every time someone dies.I had felt someone following me but I saw no one.I decided to call my friend.
    "Dude I think someone's on to us."I said quietly.
    "What did you do this time?!"He yelled in the phone.
    "Nothing!I just have a feeling but keep your eyes out for anything."I warned.
    "You called me for this?"My friend shouted.
    "Who cares?I'm going to sharp my knives for our victims."I said trying to make my friend happy.
    "Excellent hurry."My friend said and got off the phone.
    Teaser:OMG I can't believe it's him.
    A/N:This is so creepy! Anyways thank you to everyone reading this and faving it.I know their long but I hope you enjoy them.Goodnight to everyone.


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