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Best Chapter21 Quotes This Year

  1. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 7:43pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 21
    I’d never had someone care about me as much as Anthony did. To be completely honest, being cared about is one of the greatest feelings in the world. To know that someone out there wants the best for you, wants to help you, wants to be the reason you smile, it’s indescribable.
    I swear that night I fell in love with Anthony Thompson.
    I didn’t want to upset him anymore, so I dropped the subject.
    With a newfound courage, I stood up, leaving him on the blanket. “I want to go skinny dipping,” I announced.
    “What?” he asked, furrowing his brow.
    “I want to go skinny dipping,” I said again, removing my sweatshirt.
    He laughed shortly. “With me around?”
    “You can come too.”
    “What?” he chuckled, and I wasn’t sure if it was a laugh to hide his awkwardness about the situation or because he thought it was funny. “You won’t get naked in front of me right now.”
    “Watch me,” I flirted, kicking off my shoes.
    He followed me, standing and removing his shoes. “What happened to the old Kaitlyn?” he asked as he unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his bony abdomen. I remembered how fit he was before he lost all his weight.
    “I don’t know,” I admitted, letting my shorts fall to the sand.
    In my tank and underwear, before I was completely naked, I bolted for the water, and he was close behind me. We splashed into the delicate ripples, shattering them, our laughter reverberating through the forests and over the water. He grabbed my waist and dragged me down beneath the water. I giggled as I bobbed back up for air, finding him gasping as well. I began to take off my remaining articles of clothing, hurling them back onto the beach, and he followed me.
    It wasn’t skinny dipping unless you were completely naked.
    He kept everything below his waist under the water, and I did the same with my chest. There was something sort of beautiful about him; standing there, half-naked, his wet body glistening in the moonlight. His quirky grin wasn’t just attractive or handsome.
    He was beautiful.
    I felt something pelt my head, and the water began to ripple abnormally as it began to rain. Anthony grinned at me as he flopped back into the water, and I took that opportunity to sprint for the shore to somewhat clothe myself.
    He was close behind me. After he only put his shorts on, he spun me around. I was only in a bra and underwear. And he kissed me.
    Urgency filled his movements. Yearning, passion. I knew they filled mine too. He picked me up, his hands on my upper thigh, and carried me to the back of his car.
    We were unclothed again. I felt his fingers cascade up and down my body, love filling his eyes as he touched me. He folded himself around me, and the way his bare body intertwined with mine was graceful.
    He was graceful.
    Our soaking naked bodies lay, his on top of mine. I rubbed my fingers over his bare scalp as he breathed heavily, his head on my bare chest.
    He slid his arms beneath my back. I loved his hugs. I felt needed, wanted. In his arms, I felt loved. Like I had a purpose. Like I was someone’s reason to smile, laugh, fight, live, even. I loved the feeling his arms brought over me.
    I swear that night I fell in love with Anthony Thompson.
    Leave me feedback <3
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  2. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 10:02pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Chapter 21
    After Greyson dropped me off at home, I felt much better about our realationship. What Alyson said was not true, she was just angry and maybe a tad jealous. I went up to my room and read my favorite book. I flew through the pages of Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely. It was a fantasy and that's why I loved it so much. I had always wished I could be whisked away into it when I felt really alone. Before Greyson, I really only had my parents. And, since my dad is in the Navy and deployed, it's just me and my mom right now. Reading was and still is my favorite thing to do. My mom called me to dinner and we sat and ate.
    When I came back to my room, I opened the window, as it was springtime and warm in my room. I layed on my bed as the cool spring breeze came through the window, brushing against my skin like soft feathers. I turned my stereo on and let go. As the music played, I felt myself relax as the music ran through my veins. It was probably a good hour before I moved from that spot.
    I sat up and grabbed my phone, wondering if Greyson had texted me like he had promised. Someone had texted, but it wasn't Gryeosn. The name flashed on the screen, taunting me. Should I read it, do I really want to know what it says? I asked myself silently and decided I should read it.
    I pushed the center button on my phone and the message opened up. I gasped as I read the words.
    Seth: Hey Aven. I know you probably hate me and everything, but can we talk. I'm sorry for what I did and I want to talk about it. Meet me at the diner at 7:30 on Sunday. I hope you come.
    I closed the message and dropped my phone on my queen sized bed. What did I just read? I thought this was over. I cradled my face in my hands as I pondered what to do. I have to go, I was the one who started this and I'm going to finish it. This had to be done. It was Friday. I had two days to mentally prepare myself. Should I tell Greyson? I decided against it. He would want to come and I had to do this alone. I was going to meet Seth at the diner, on Sunday at 7:30.
    the book i metioned is a real book and is my favorite book of all time
    i highly suggest it if you like fantasy, there are five in the series including that one, they are life changing
    if you could please give just a little feedback it would help a lot
    im writing this for you guys so i want you to be happy with it
    thanks for reading

  3. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 4:58pm UTC
    Next to me
    Chapter 21
    "I will only waste a day talking to you, when we could be doing something fun, if you give me a half-decent topic to talk about," I said, pulling myself slightly away from him - did he not understand that I didn't want to fall for him?
    "Okay," he said, ignoring my unsubtle attempts at moving away, "tell me about this nightmare of yours."
    "Not a good enough topic," I muttered, looking down at my hands.
    "Okay, tell me about your singing career," he said.
    "I don't have a singing career," I snapped, glaring up at him.
    "Just explain your weird relationship with singing to me. You're wasting quite the talent, Emily," he said.
    I sighed in defeat - how was I meant to argue with him? I had so little time left with him. I wanted to make it fun, not argue with him.
    "My Dad used to sing to me all the time," I said. "He was good, really good. He didn't like the idea of fame and fortune although he probably had a decent shot at getting it. He usually kept his head down, kept out of everyone else's way - kinda like me now, you know? When I was four, he was singing to me, and I joined in. I remember the look on his face, he was so happy that I liked to sing too. After that, we sang together all the time - at Christmas, birthdays, any special occassion, just all the time. Back then, I liked attention. I liked when everyone else stared at me, in awe of my voice. I liked the way my Dad was going to stay back while I was in the spotlight. He wanted to be a manager for me, I'd be the singer. He probably would've gotten it all to work out if he hadn't have..."
    I didn't think I needed to continue - and I was probably boring him with my sob story.
    He smiled sympathetically and my blood boiled - I hated pity more than anything else.
    He seemed to notice this, and stopped smiling - or maybe he thought I thought he was smiling because he thought it was funny, I couldn't tell.
    "So, do you understand?" I muttered.
    "Yeah, I do," he said, wiping a tear from my face that I hadn't even felt rolling down my cheek.
    "It's not the same....without him," I whispered.
    "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Dylan said, resting his forehead on mine.
    This boy just ain't getting the message, I thought.
    "Please stop," I said, leaning backwards.
    He stared at me in confusion and then his face hardened.
    "Emily," he said sternly, "if you're still upset about that Aidan guy, well then you're being a complete drama queen. He doesn't care, Emily. It was, what, five years ago? Do you think he lies awake at night thinking about you? Because he doesn't."
    "You don't get it," I said quietly.
    "Oh, I get it, Emily," he said, glaring at me. "You loved him. Big deal. Here's some news for you, Emily. Everyone gets their heart broken. It's not just you. Stop being such an attention seeker and just grow up."
    "I know it's not just me," I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I'd never seen Dylan so angry. He had gotten it all wrong. Aidan was not the reason for all of this - Dylan, himself, was.
    "The why are you acting like it is just you?" His voice was getting louder and angrier. He must have been bottling this up for a long time. "Aidan doesn't care! He probably doesn't even remember you!"
    I broke down then. Relentless sobs made me fall to my knees, gasping for air and sending waves of torturous pain through me. Every word he said stabbed my heart. Why did this always happen? Had my heart not been through enough? Aidan..Dad...Jake...and now Dylan?
    "You're wrong," I whisperd.
    "What?" He was shouting by now. "So, you think he does care? You honestly believe he stays up at night because he misses you?"
    "You're not wrong about that," I managed to say.
    Someone came bursting through the door.
    "What did you do to her?" Andy yelled.
    "Told her the truth," Dylan yelled back.
    I'm sorry that this chapter ends in the middle of a conversation.
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks xxx

  4. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2013 9:36pm UTC
    Chapter TwentyOne
    Hunter's P.O.V.
    'Nik is dead...' Those three words echoed in my mind, hours after I got off the phone with Meg. After a few hours of sitting in my room crying I went to find Ari. She was probably the only one who would understand. She was the only who understood how I felt after my parents died. But thats probably because hers were dead too. The guy who adopted her being a raging alcoholic along with… lets not talk about that. I walked down the hall the hall of the extremely large pent house all of us were staying in.
    "Mommy?" I mumbled, gently knocking on the door before carefully opening it. "Mommy I need to talk to you," I murmured, grabbing on of her hands and pulling her into the bathroom.
    "What happened baby?" She murmured cleaning out the fresh cuts on my arm. She gently wrapped gauze around my wrist, taping parts down before putting an ACE bandage over everything.
    "Nik," I murmured as Ari let go of my arm.
    "What about Nik?"
    "He's… He's dead…" I whispered, collapsing to the floor with sobs. I could barely breath as Ari stared at me disbelief. I stood up, walking into Ari's room as we both sat on her bed, balling our eyes out. I felt twinges of pain shoot through my arm as I tried to move my wrist.
    "Did it happen today?" Ari eventually whispered as we curled up on the floor, my head against her shoulder.
    "Two weeks ago…" I murmured, tears slipping down my cheeks again as I tried to talk.
    "Why didn't anyone tell you?"
    "Meg was too upset too… she only told me today because I asked to talk to him…" I stood up, pulling Ari off the floor with me. "Go to sleep," I whispered, hugging her tightly before walking back to my room and grabbing clothes to change into.
    I washed the makeup off my face, just leaving my dark eyes, and overly long eyelashes. I quickly Dutch braided my hair, the blue at the ends still bright because of the fresh dye. I pulled my big Bel-Air sweatshirt over my head, a pair of soft athletic shorts that matched the blue script. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=75698408) I frowned slightly, looking at the golden ring still on my hand. I couldn't bring myself to take it off, in a lot of ways it was all I had left of Nik. I walked back into my room, picking up my phone, a putting my big superman headphones over my ears as music started to play. I sighed, laying down, all the music still playing as I tried to forget… everything. I stared at the ceiling for one hour, two, three, four, by five A.M. I gave up, getting out of my bed, and walking down the hall into the large living room area. I laughed lightly, Zayn and Max passed out in front of the T.V. what ever movie they were watching still playing. I walked over, quietly turning the T.V. off before I went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge slightly, pulling out the gallon of milk, setting it on the counter, standing on my tiptoes to grab a glass out of one of the cabinets. I carefully poured half a glass, turning to put the milk away when the slight sound of feet shuffling caught my attention. I closed the fridge as Niall walked over. A pair of gym shorts resting low on his hips, his blonde hair slightly messed up and his pale blue eyes brighter then I had ever seen them.
    "Hunter?" He whispered walking over to the kitchen as I picked up my milk, taking a quick sip before Niall's arms came to rest around my waist, his palms pressing into the counter behind me. "Why are up Baby?" He murmured again as I reached up, gently wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands left the counter, pressing into the small of my back. I shrugged slightly as he leaned down, our foreheads pressed together before his lips gently brushed mine. "Its five A.M." Niall laughed lightly, our bodies still cuddled together. "You've gotta know why your not in bed. Now spill?"
    "I can't sleep…" I murmured, snuggling my head against his chest, warmth taking over my body as Niall pulled me closer to him.
    "Why Princess?" Niall whispered, gently kissing the top of my head.
    "Nik… he's…" I stuttered, the tears starting to cut off my voice. "He's dead," Niall's expression went cold, his strong arms wrapping around me as I continued to sob. After a few minutes Niall gently knocked my feet out from under me, cuddling my tired form to his chest, walking back into my room. Niall sat down on the edge of the bed, me still cradled to his chest.
    "How long have you known?" Niall eventually asked when I had stopped crying some.
    "When I called today… thats when," I murmured, moving so I was just sitting in his lap.
    "Why didn't you say anything baby?"
    "No more questions Niall," I whispered, burying my face in the crock of his neck. I felt him nod gently, his grip tightening around my waist. "Stay here," I whispered looking up. Niall's expression confused as I kissed his cheek. "Stay here tonight, its the only way I have a chance of sleeping," I whispered, Niall nodded gently as I crawled out of his grip laying down as he slipped under the blankets. I quickly found myself curled up against his chest.
    Author's Notes ~
    ELLO! I'm like half asleep so if this doesn't make sense... I'm sorry. Feedback + ideas please Loves they'd be awesome. Maybe more today.. but no promises

  5. ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 12:02pm UTC
    finding my perfEctionS
    a novel by ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    "Avril, my dear, dear little sister- don't play the game you can't win- the game of love!"
    "For the first time in my life, I didn't feel worthless. Why, Alyssa?!"
    "Because you deserve to feel worthless." she spat.
    Jesse's P.O.V.
    "Ughhh." I rasped, hobbling towards Avril. "Aaahhhhvvvvrrrrrilllll."
    Her eyebrow cocked upwards, with her hand on her hip as she tried to hide a laugh.
    I walked together, giving her a bear hug as I crushed her, lifting her up like a child, over my head with just one hand.
    Avril squealed, giggling, "Put me down, Jess!" and thumped me on the back, but I knew she was secretly loving every second of it.
    "You weigh nothing, Avvy!" I exclaimed, twirling her around as she yelled.
    We played this game for a while until Avril fell on the bed, and I cornered in, my chest pressing against her slim hands as she tried to push me away playfully.
    "Come on, baby." I murmured, beginning to press my lips gently against Avril's pouty ones.
    "Jesse, we have to go soo-" she started, but I looked into those gorgeous, sapphire eyes and silenced her as I grinned mischievously, so glad I'd gotten such a perfect girlfriend.
    Avril tried to resist for a while, but then she rolled her eyes and pulled me closer, her arms tied around my neck as she energetically locked lips with mine, softly moaning.
    I pulled away for a moment, slightly teasing her with a grin as she blushed.
    Avril blushed easily.
    It was a matter of seconds before I started moaning along with her, before both of us chuckled against each others' lips and carried on, as I breathed in Avril's sweet, light flowery perfume.
    I carried her up, my arms tied around her tiny waist as she wrapped her legs around my thighs, still smiling as she ruffled my hair and pecked me on the neck flirtatiously.
    I was about to go in for another sweet kiss, but the door flung open, Cassidy and Alex fell in, still squabbling.
    Avril jumped down, blushing as we pulled away.
    "I take it you're more than friends?" Alex asked, a smug smile plastered on his face.
    "The question is- why are you such a pervert?! What were you guys doing outside....outside spying on us?!" Avril shouted, half-angry and half-laughing.
    I snuck my arm around her teeny waist, my other hand clasped tightly in hers.
    "Excuse me?" Now it was Cassidy's turn to enquire as she gave her the 'Seriously?' stare. "You guys are moaning loudly and me and Alex came to ask if you wanted Starbucks when we see you licking each other over!"
    Now it was our turn to blush a little, as I pecked Avril's cheek and whispered so that it was barely audible, "It's okay. They're our friends, remember?"
    She gave a tiny nod, but Alex ruined the secretive, romantic moment.
    "Yeah- we wanted to see if you were gonna get to second base! I mean, you guys were kissing pretty ha-"
    Cassidy gave him a kick in the shin. "That's not the point! Why didn't you guys tell us?!" she demanded.
    Man, this girl is sassy. I thought, as I put my hands up and took a few steps back.
    "It happened yesterday, at like, what? 8? 9? Come on, guys, you guys were snoring in bed so we kind of crept in. We were gonna tell you anyway." Avril explained, defending us as she clasped my hand tighter.
    I wanted to laugh.
    Avril was so cute when she was mad.
    "Well, whatever. Invite me to the wedding, blah blah blah. What about-"
    "Peyton." Alex finished flatly, nursing his calf as he winced. "Damn, join the football team, Cass! You have a kick!"
    Cassidy smirked. "No thanks. Sweat is a no-no for me."
    Avril rolled her eyes, before raising her eyebrows at me for an explanation.
    "Seriously! Next week! Girls are scary!" I yelped, leaping away from her in mock-fear.
    Avril laughed before she walked up to me, before wrapping her arms around my neck and her soft, sweet lips morphed against mine.
    I pushed forward but she pulled away, teasing me. "So you don't want this?" Avril asked flirtatiously.
    I smiled, coming in closer as I held her, and our faces leaned in, our noses brushed and-
    A pillow hit both our faces knocking the both of us over.
    "GET A ROOM!" Alex and Cassidy yelled, wrinkling their noses in disgust.


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