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Best Chapter15 Quotes This Month

  1. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 8:24pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / f i f t e e n
    Amy's POV
    I can't believe I actually just told Carson my feelings for him.
    The worst part? He starts laughing. Hysterically laughing.
    "What's so funny?" I question.
    "Ames, you're being silly. You think you love me because I might've been dead. It's all in your head." He tells me.
    I give a little fake laugh. "Yeah, you're right!" I poke him in the shoulder.
    Even though he isn't right. I feel like I have been in love with him for so long but I just didn't want to tell him. When I found out that he is in love with me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, but I tried to tell myself I have no feelings for you.
    "Come here, Ames." Carson puts his arms out.
    I lean foward and hug Carson. Gosh, it felt so right.
    I don't even want to let go.
    "Amy, you've been hugging me for like five minutes." Carson laughs.
    "Sorry, I didn't realize." I blush.
    "Well, you better get going." Carson slightly smiles.
    "Okay, I'll see you later." I smile.
    I walk out of his room and see Mitch and Kenny waiting.
    "I tried to tell him. He laughed and said it is all in my head." I tear up.
    "Give him some time. He just overdosed." Mitch comforts me.
    "Look, I just need to go meet up with Cole. I need to end things." I frown.
    "I'll take you." Kenny offers.
    I knock softly on Cole's front door.
    This isn't going to be easy.
    I just told Cole that we're back together. I told him nothing is going on between Carson and I.
    It's going to seem like everything I said to him was a lie.
    Cole opens the door. "Amy, what are you doing here?"
    "We need to talk." I tell him.
    Cole lets me in and we both go and sit on his couch.
    "What is it, Amy? I heard about Carson." Cole tells me.
    I was surprised he actually cared.
    "Me and you, aren't working out anymore." I mumble.
    "You finally figured it out, didn't you?" He asks.
    I look up at Cole, confused. "What do you mean?"
    "Amy, I know you love Carson. They way you look at him, they way you act around him. I was just hoping you'd forget about him and fall in love with me. I'm not even going to be mad at you."
    NOTE: I'm really sorry I didn't do Carson's POV, I felt like it needed to be in Amy's. But you can pick the POV for the next chapter :D

  2. rememberyourbeautiful rememberyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 5:25pm UTC
    Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
    Chapter 15
    Cassidy's P.O.V
    I walked into school and saw some girls look over at me. Drew and I had made our relationship official on Facebook yesterday I got a lot of comments on how jealous some girls were and how lucky I was to be dating him.
    "Hey Cassidy, right?" one girl with long blonde hair said to me.
    "Yeah," I said making my way over to her. When I got closer to her I realized that she was one of the girls who made a comment about me and Drew.
    "I just wanted to let you know I think you and Drew are an adorable couple!" she said shyly.
    "Awe thanks! What's your name?" I said kindly. I didn't recongize her so she must be in a different grade than me.
    "Jessica! I'm a sophmore!" she said.
    "I like that name! Thanks again Jessica! Tell my bro I said hi!" I said laughing as I smiled at her.
    "Will do!" she said smiling back at me. I turned around and started back down the hallway. I saw girls stealing little glances at me. What's the big deal, I thought as I looked over at a group of girls in my grade.
    "Hey Holly! Is there a reason why everyone's flipping out about me dating Drew?" I asked one of my classmates.
    "Ummm maybe because he's never had an actual girlfriend!" Holly said turning around so she was facing me.
    "Good point!" I said faking a laugh. I didn't find it that funny because I worried about that myself.
    "Also he's a hottie!!!!" a girl named Bella said to me.
    "Yeah feel lucky!" Holly said.
    "Don't worry ladies you'll find the perfect guy!" Drew said wrapping his arms around me from the back. He placed his chin on my head as I said bye to Holly and Bella. I grabbed Drew's hand and started walking towards my locker.
    "How's my beautiful girlfriend?" Drew asked kissing me on the forehead.
    "Good! And how are you boyfriend?" I said giggling as he moved his lips down my cheek to my lips.
    "Perfect," he said starting to kiss me. I nibbled on his lip and started kissing him again.
    "Whoa keep it appropriate!" I heard Annabell say behind me. I pulled away and turned to face Annabell.
    "Hi," I said shyly embarrassed that she caught us.
    "Hey I'm Annabell!" Annabell said to Drew.
    "Drew," Drew said to her.
    "Well Drew this is my best friend Annabell!" I said laughing introducing them.
    "Yeah! You hurt her I break your face, got it?" Annabell said seriosuly and then she started laughing.
    "Okay," Drew said nervously so I grabbed his hand.
    "Don't worry, she's just kidding!" I said getting on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.
    "You guys are adorable!!!" Annabell squealed.
    "Thanks Bell!" I said to Annabell as I gave her a hug.
    "Well I'll give you two some time," Annabell said smiling at me. I said goodbye as she walked away from us.
    "Man I've gotten caught kissing you twice! I really need to be better at planning!" Drew said laughing.
    "I love your kisses!" I said sweetly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
    "Oh really! You like them?" Drew said pecking me on the lips.
    "Mhmmm!" I said blushing.
    "How bout this?" Drew said kissing me a little longer this time.
    "Oh yeah!" I said nodding my head and laughing as Drew wrapped his arms around me tightly. I felt Drew leaning down and started kissing me. I felt butterflies form in my stomach as we kissed longer. I felt him pull away but kept our foreheads touching.
    "You're cute!" I said cutely as he gave me a peck on the lips.
    "You are too!" Drew said pecking my lips twice and then pulling away. Once I put my bag away and grabbed my books I closed my locker.
    "Cmon," Drew said smiling as he grabbed my hand and headed down the hallway.
    "Where are we going?" I asked as we walked in the other direction of our homeroom.
    "To meet my friends!" Drew said smiling. I saw people look over at us but Drew didn't notice them. He's probably use to it, I thought as we walked hand and hand down the hallway. As we walked down a hallway I saw Drew's friends standing with their backs to us. I stopped in my tracks so Drew stopped too.
    "What's wrong baby?" Drew asked pushing the hai rout of my eyes.
    "Aren't you scared of losing your popularity?" I asked him.
    "I have you, that's all I need!" Drew said sweetly as he smiled at me.
    "Let's go!" I said laughing at his cuteness. We walked up behind Drew's friend as nervousness came over me. What if they don't like me, I thought self consciously.
    "Hey guys, I'd like you to meet someone!" Drew said proudly as Jay and John turned around.
    What's gonna happen next?!
    Also who else loves Drew and Cassidy as a couple right now?!
    Let me know in the comments!!!

  3. ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 11:48am UTC
    finding my perfEctionS
    a novel by ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    "Avril, my dear, dear little sister- don't play the game you can't win- the game of love!"
    "For the first time in my life, I didn't feel worthless. Why, Alyssa?!"
    "Because you deserve to feel worthless." she spat.
    I walked into the locker room, my nostrils flaring at the disgusting odor of sweat and puke.
    "What's up, man?!" Zach exclaimed, flipping his stupid brown hair out of his face as he fist-bumped me and Alex.
    I didn't exactly like the guy because he'd tried flirting with Avril, and also because he was a womanizer.
    His girlfriend used to be Peyton, but he used her for a day in bed and then broke up with her.
    That was Peyton's first time, too.
    But Zach was front line, and no matter how much I hated him I still had to 'cooperate' with my other team mates.
    "Yo, did you see Avril when she was cheer leading? Sooo fine. You know, if you're flexible, it means you're-" Chris winked, earning high-fives from all around.
    "Good in bed. Yeah, we know, Zach. Don't you go around using her." Alex warned flatly.
    "You don't mind, right Jess? You have Peyton and all." Zach fake-grinned, attatching his shinpads to his calfs.
    I swallowed the lump in my throat, clenching my fists until I thought my knuckles were going to break apart.
    I cleared my throat.
    "Ahem,- n-no. Course not. We're just..." I trailed off, not wanting to say that dreaded word. I desperately wanted it to be more: "Just friends." I finished off.
    Alex stared at me like I was crazy, but I just gave him a pleading shrug, trying not to look too clingy.
    Dude, you don't even know if she likes you. I convinced myself angrily, as I slammed my fist into a metal locker. I was so furious I accidentally made a huge dint. Besides, it's your f*cking fault you decided to take that bet.
    "Awesome!" Zach laughed, pulling on his sweat-soaked jersey and ignoring my furious behavior. "Booty call, dudes! She seems like the sweet-girl type. God knows Avery's going to be a tiger in bed."
    "Avril." I corrected, gritting my teeth.
    "Whatever, man! Who cares? You can have seconds if you want. She's just a girl." Zach joked, making spirals around his head.
    That was when I lost it. "Just a girl? You can bring all your sh*t with you to hell, d*ckhead!" I yelled, lunging for him.
    Zach tried to duck, but it was a second too late.
    Instead of kneeing him in the stomach, I got his face, smashing into his 'pretty' jaw as it started bleeding.
    "What the f*ck?!" Zach shouted, but I was still pretty angry.
    He took hold of my hair, clenching it in his fist as he smashed it into the hard ground.
    I moaned, clutching my swollen eye, throbbing hard.
    I punched him square in the stomach, and as he made odd choking sounds I felt at least a few strong arms pulling me away.
    "Okay, okay, he deserved that, Jesse. Let's leave these douches." Alex said, trying to calm me down.
    I pounced blindly, just trying land a hit on Zach.
    He just managed to stagger up, with help from the bench. "What's the matter, Alex? It's not my fault you've got just about as much toughness in you as your tiny carrot-sized balls, is it?!" Zach taunted.
    "Okay, that jerk asked for this one." Alex grunted, and he let his arms fall loose by his side, aiming a kick at Zach's nose.
    I heard a sickening 'crack!', before Alex let go of him and Zach fell to the ground, slumped over.
    Only a couple of his friends helped him up, but mostly everyone walked out, muttering, "The a-hole begged for it."
    "Let's go." I murmured to Alex, clasping my hand to my right eye and walked out, slightly limping.

  4. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2013 12:40pm UTC
    Next to me
    Chapter 15
    Three albums; one pink, one brown, one black.
    I hesitated - what album is it in?
    I picked up the pink one and looked through it. Just baby pictures, mostly of me. There were one or two of Andy, but, from the looks of things, this was my baby album.
    I slammed it shut when it got to a specific one of me with Dad. It was a picture I couldn't stand to look at. I was no more than a year old. The picture was of Dad and I both looking into the camera with the same goofy smile and big brown eyes. I looked just like him.
    The next album was the brown one - Andy's baby album. There was nothing too traumatic in that.
    The black one was of my parents' wedding day. I slammed that one shut after three pages - they were too in love. I hated to think how much his death must have impacted on mum.
    Next box; one light blue, one yellow, one purple.
    Light blue was mine, filled with countless pictures of teddy's, dolls and friends of mine; Jake and others whose name's I have forgotten.
    Yellow was Andy's, which was pretty much the same as mine.
    Purple was Mum and Dad's, filled with picture's of them looking happy and enjoying life together. Again, I had to slam their album closed.
    Next box; one red, one cream, one dark blue.
    Red was mine. I must have been about ten or eleven when I got this album. There were countless picture's of me and Jake at the start. One or two empty pages. Then there were lots of me and some other friends; Jake was there too. None of me and Aidan, though.
    The other two albums had nothing important in them.
    Fourth box; one green, one orange, one white.
    Green was mine. I was about twelve or thirteen. There were lots of happy pictures; me with friends etc. Then there was one of Dad, Andy and Mum in the hospital. Dad was in bed and Andy and Mum were standing beside him, both of them incredibly sad. I turned quickly to the next page. Empty. Next page. Empty. Next page. Empty. Did I stop taking photographs after that? I honestly couldn't remember; I barely remembered anything of my life from when i was eleven until I was eighteen.
    I examined the album closely. There was sticky tape on some of the empty pages. Did they have pictures in them at one stage? After a few empty pages, there was one photo of me and my cousin Sophie.
    The other two albums were full.
    Fifth box; all of them black.
    Last one, I thought with relief.
    I opened mine. I didn't remember taking a single picture. Four or five of me and Jake. My eyes were empty and dark from sleepless nights; obviously, this album was from during my depression. Some my mother must have taken of just me and Andy. Page after page of me and my family - what was left of it - becoming weaker by the day. I'd put them through so much without even noticing their troubles.
    I sighed. The photo wasn't there. Where was it? Where were all the picture's of Aidan and I?
    This chapter is very,very,very,very,very,very,very boring, but I couldn't skip this part. ¬.¬
    Forgive me :'(
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks xxx

  5. *blushes* *blushes*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 12:27pm UTC
    The never released fairytale
    Chapter 15
    I immediately lifted my body, still screaming and some nurses came into my room, convincing me it was just a dream.
    My mind was spinning because I really didn't know what dream and reality was. I hoped that other one I woke up from was the dream, not this.
    One of the nurses gave me something that made me fall into a dreamless sleep.
    So I was in a hospital now for real.
    As I woke up an older man sat next to my bed. My head began filling with fear again, but then I realized it was just my dad, smiling at me.
    "Welcome back, sweetheart."
    "Don't you have to work?"
    "Aren't you happy to see me?", he teased and I grinned.
    He then told me mom and he almost got crazy because they missed me so much and that even Kayla realized something really wasn't going well. But he said that everything would be great at work.
    Unfortunately, Doctor Chandler interrupted us and told my dad to leave.
    "Asa, I think we should first work on your phobia to men because you can't avoid seeing them whenever you go out."
    "But I can avoid dating them…", I countered and that made Doctor Chandler smile.
    I think we actually managed to treat my phobia pretty well. When she told me she would leave I asked about my graduation (Abitur, maybe)
    "With all due respect, I don't think you are in the state of making a good graduation. You won't even be allowed to, you would come back at the end of the year, after all."
    "That's why I want to make an Abitur.", okay yes I actually really loved the idea of wearing a graduation gown and receiving a diploma. But if I passed my Abitur it could replace the diploma…
    "That won't give you any advantage, no matter how much people might pity you."
    "Then I want to make a test that qualifies me to make an Abitur. Please."
    "Alright, I will see what I can do.", what could give me better entrance to a normal life than some graduation, after all?
    I knew people would never treat me the same way, especially because my name and face was spread over the whole world.
    Comment for a reminder.
    Previous Chapter: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6912794
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