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Britt Quotes

  1. littlemisfit littlemisfit
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2014 2:25pm UTC
    There's days where we feel like we're messed up
    But the truth is
    were all diamonds in the rough

  2. Ninja_Bunnies2 Ninja_Bunnies2
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 11:38am UTC
    Liars and Cheaters
    Chapter 2
    Part 1
    As I open the doors to cheer try outs, Only one thought raced through my mind, Damn these doors are heavy... I walked into a room full of girls stretching, wearing super-short shorts and sport bras. So I walked over to a friend of mine and sat down next to her.
    "Hey!" She looks up and smiles from her split, I copied what she is doing and found out that I could go all the way down. I might actually have a chance at this!
    "Girls, line up please! We will now begin tryouts. I hope you practiced!" The head cheerleader called us over. She was a familiar looking girl, with pin straight, brown hair, that came down to her waist and side bangs that partially covered her bright, green eyes. We started with the basics: cartwheels, splits, handstands. We did a simple cheer, then came the eliminations. Two girls from the left of me and three from my right and one from behind me were eliminated. That only left four of us. Only three can be added to the squad! I hope I did okay.
    "You, in the back row, you're gone. Sorry, you did ok! Practice and try again next year," The girl ran out of the room almost in tears. Aw! The poor girl! Wait, there are only 3 people left in here...I made the squad! Heck yea!
    "Tiff! Wait up for a minute! Can I call you Tiff? Oh well, I'm going to call you Tiff anyway. As part of a tradition, I'm going to take you to meet the football players. We always take the best cheerleader, other then the head cheerleader, of course. You were the best! Why didn't you try out last year? You're better then the other girls who have been on the squad since they were Freshies," Brittany, the head cheerleader, gushed to me. She grasped my right wrist and pulled me outside. Those guys are a very good-looking bunch! Wait! I'm in super-short shorts and a freaking sports bra! So is Brittany! How did that not bother her? She pulled me across the football field, and with every step closer to the bench, they were all crowded around, I dreaded not bringing a tank-top.
    Hello again, lovelies!
    Again just some grammar and spelling changes.
    Hope you enjoyed it! :)

  3. bettyann123 bettyann123
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 12:52pm UTC
    You wanna run,
    but you're hesitating,
    I'm talking to me.

  4. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    So don't be ashamed to wear your crown.
    You're a king, you're a queen inside and out.


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