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Best Bolg Quotes Ever

  1. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 10:34pm UTC
    sorry I didn't post yesterday but here it goes
    At my school we have mass once a month( yes I'm catholic) and they are like two hours long because the school is so big. So we get together in homerooms( groups of 25 kids by last name) and x is in my homeroom. Walking to mass he was next to / behind me the whole time and my goal was to sit with him that day because well....ya. Anyway so we got to the gym( where mass is said) and I didn't get a sing pamphlet thingy so he taps my head with his and playfully scolds me. As we walked up the bleachers I had to start a new row and my friends said I could squeeze in but I don't want to. By the time I actually understood what they were saying the rest of the class filled in and I had to sit alone, kinda but nine the less I was so close to reaching my goal.
    In religion I sit two desks in front of x and he pushed the desks forward. I pushed back and held myslef and desk stable. He continued to push and the desk between us came off the ground and the front of the desk was rammed into my back. It was kinda loud but didn't actually hurt. Our class went silent and our teacher walked into the room at that moment and it was really funny cuz he was confused. Although half the desk thing was my fault x was blamed for it.
    Walking beck to our lockers after last period x usually talks with other friends but as we were walking he told me to wait up for him. I was really suorised and thought, maybe,just maybe he's asking me to hc. Of course he find tbut that was expected. Instead he talked about the desk thing in religion. I told him I was a you get sibling( he knows that already and he is one to) and that I get away with a lot, and that no one expects the "innocent one" to do anything wrong. He told me I looked innocent cus he always " scolds" me when I cus and I asked him why and that was his answer but none the less that was Friday.
    So there was an away game on Friday but I didn't go because I went hc dress shopping with one of my friends who goes to a different school.
    Today there were so many events going on, GT game, music midtown, fall festivals, and more. I went to the GT game and it rained had for the game and was clear before and after. Even with our pnchos we were soaked. Most all of my friends from school went to music midtown, including x, and I winder how they survived the rain. I'm getting yelled at to go to bed so night :-)

  2. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 1:17pm UTC
    so last night was the hc dance. I will admit that my old schools dances were better but hey. So I went to a picture party with my sister and all her friends and my date. That was the only time all night that we even talked was at the party.
    At the dance I. Came in and then hung out with some friends then went to look for more of my friends. Coming back into the gym x hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around my ribcage. I looked up at him and then he put is arms around my shoulders crossing his writers at my callar bone. I reached up and touched his fingers as I turned to face him. I said "nice haircut" and he said I was the first person who had noticed it at first glance. I laughed and we headed our seperate ways.
    The night went in and I was dragged to the water fountain with one of my friends. I was cleaning against the wall and x came along side me and playfully bumped me. I had to head back to the room were all my stiff was being held to take of my heals but we just kinda left x there.
    later in the night the fox song was played so i went to the hallway again to justtake a walk. i noticed x following me at a distancebu i didnt turn around i kept walking. i pretnded i was looking for one of my friends and almost turned into the other gym( we have 2 gyms) then i saw x turn around probably thinking that i was going into the gym. i turned around and this time it was i who was following him at a distance.
    about 30 minutes before the dance ended everyone was basicly packing up. i went o go put on my shoes and passed x in the hallway.he made a face at me so i made one back and that was basicly our goodbye for the night. tomorrow is a day off so i might not post beacuse nothing would really happen

  3. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 12:18pm UTC
    So I don't really remember what happened on Friday but I just know that x and I talked.
    Yeasterday I went otmysisters band competiton(marching band) and my friend came and slept over, and left ike an hour ago. i texted x about an lotr refrence and then traveled to marching band, then theator, n how we were bawily twins, then bball, then football, and then back to band. i told him how long the competion was and he was shocked that it was a full 12 hours and that i would get to bed at 2. i told him its not that bad cuz i usually go to bed that late. he told me it was really bad for me. like i know people r supost 2 get8 ours of sleep but dont really know why. he asked me what time i ake up and i told him 6 cuz i do. he told me it was killing my bodies enrgy level. after that i responded that i guess i was slef distructive then because i dont really eat that muh either. he reponded with":0 thats so unhealthy" after a couple of words on hat he asked me what changed. after i told him he said" u need to start getting in healthy habits again" i told him to bug me about it and he said"ok, u need to go to sleep early tonight, ok? i said i would try but it would still be really late. he wont tell anyone and its our little secret from the world. w started talking about band after that untill he had t go we texted for 5 hours yeaterday which is probably the longest ive ever texted anyone. he makes me feel like omeone actualy cares about my well being.
    so my friend went hime fat gong to mass with us.but all i could think about was x. the fmiliar scent of him was really close to us. i think it was the family infront of us, but i knew it would never be him. all i wanted was or his arms to wrap around my from behind and hug me. i know i sound so cheesy and cleche but its all so real right now. dont get me wrong i still get deressed a lot, but x usually comes around and cheers me up now.
    he is my best friend at school and gets me more than anyone else.

  4. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2013 11:34pm UTC
    today was to good to be true, well mainly tonight but i have 2 post tomorrow!

  5. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 2:17pm UTC
    I saw have last night he hugged Elyssa and said hi to me but it was so awkward because of what happened over the summer.
    I forgot what I was going but I ended up squeezing x's wrist and he looked at it a d there were red marks were my fingers had gaps and it looked like it hurt him but I didn't mean to
    X hugged me yesterday and I hugged him back but it was over so quickly
    I really want to dance with him tonight


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