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  1. emilygm* emilygm*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 9:11pm UTC
    Angels Hide Demons
    Chapter 4
    "Rowan Talley, Period 4." I dotted the i and slid my finished English homework into a binder, then closed up my backpack. My phone buzzed, and I pounced on it like a wild cat. It was Brayden.
    "Hey, Rowan. I heard you know-"
    "Where you were today? Don't worry; I won't tell." Because I might die if I do.
    "Thanks. So what did I miss in Science?"
    "Nothing interesting. We watched a video about biodiversity in Madagascar; no notes, no homework."
    "It's because we all got A's on the Chapter 7 Test."
    "Cool. Well, thanks again. I gotta go."
    "Okay; bye."
    I snapped my phone shut and gave a sigh of relief. Brayden was okay. So, what did they do today?
    I decided to go to bed early, since anything else I did would most likely put me in a bad mood. Scrolling through Facebook on my phone, I found this really unusual stream of friendly messages- from Alaia. WTF was this?! In my private messenger, I typed back:
    Alaia, I know that we used to be friends. But we're not anymore. Not after what you did a year ago. I'm sorry but I just can't forgive you. If you want things to be the way they used to be, well, that won't happen unless you find yourself a time machine. And what was up with this afternoon?
    She never replied to the message.
    Okie Dokie, guys. This was a super-short chapter because I have a few author's notes for you. First of all, the layout. I have a couple things to adress about the formatting. One, if you can't already see it, the title and chapter number are supposed to be written in this really pretty script font, which isn't normally available on Witty (I coded it in). I found out yesterday that the font doesn't show up on mobile, and it also is written as Comic Sans (this font) on certain computer monitors. I just really hope that you guys can all see it, because I love it. In addition, do you like the current formatting? Is it too plain? Any suggestions? If you have an idea in mind, go ahead and comment. I love to get feedback from you guys.
    Formatting/Layouts/HTML/CSS Coding aside, what do you guys think of the story so far? This is the first story I've put out there that isn't fanfiction. (BTW don't look me up because the fanfic I write is absolute garbage) I'll take any and all constructive criticism you guys can provide. I think that's about it.
    Oh, one more thing! If anyone wants me to notify them when I post new chapters, comment on this or my profile and I'll do that for you, from now on. I'm already notifying EpicTrouble and skittlepringle.
    THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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