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Best Apply Quotes This Month

  1. MissHatty MissHatty
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 7:48am UTC
    COMMENT if you want to find out if any wittians, go to the same school as you/live near you or know you.
    Please comment with:
    If you recognize someone, start chatting to them.
    The only rule? Your not allowed to tell anyone other than a wittian that they have witty profiles :)) xo

  2. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2016 7:49pm UTC
    applying to jobs is the never-ending
    circle of hell that no one should have
    to endure.

  3. MollyCharlotte MollyCharlotte
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2013 3:16pm UTC
    Bold all that apply:
    I'm female
    My hair is naturally brown
    I like pizza
    I'm British
    My favorite color is purple
    My second favorite color is blue or pink
    Im afraid of heights
    My favorite food is Italian
    I love walking in the rain
    I have a pet cat
    Total so far: 6
    My hair is below my shoulders
    I have a boyfriend
    I can't drive and don't want to either
    My favorite ice cream flavour is mint choc chip
    I'm empathic - I feel others emotions
    I'm afraid of dummies/dolls/puppets/robots ect
    I've had three serious boyfriends so far
    I have two sisters
    I have zero brothers
    I had a twin but it died before I was born
    Total so far: 9
    I will try almost anything once
    The sound of the hoover/vacuum makes me go to sleep
    My parents are still together
    I have a sibling I don't get along with very much
    I have green eyes
    I can't watch anyone suffer even people I don't like
    I listen to music for the lyrics and their meaning more than anything else
    I am a contradiction I can be two exact opposites at the same time
    Abuse of any sort infuriates me considerably
    Total so far: 11
    I have smallish feet
    People often misunderstand me or believe false rumours about me
    I've been a victim of prejudice
    My father has or does work in a law related job i.e. prison officer, police, drug rehab, ect
    My mom is a carer or nurse
    I wish I could be an abnormal psychology studier and criminal psychologist
    I have sight problems (just wearing glasses doesn't count)
    My house is near the sea
    I am fascinated by Urban Legends and scary stories in general
    Total so far: 12
    I find it hard to trust people
    I'm a lover, not a fighter but if you push me, I can turn into the latter
    I look younger than I am
    I act or used to act older than I am
    I am relatively pale
    More than one girl/boy is currently dying for my love/attention even though I'm in a relationship
    I am afraid of nobody really liking me
    I love taking quizzes, doing surveys, and learning new trivia
    The motto I live by is Treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself
    Total so far: 18
    Okay, times your total by two
    Put here or at top how much your total is


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