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Best Amiwitty Quotes This Month

  1. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2013 4:32pm UTC
    So I dont have a cat and I'm not in love and I'm religious and I hate tumblr and I'm fine with my weight and I don't self-harm and I'm not depressed and I like most people and I don't like texting and I like most music and I'm not unnecessarily rude and I'm not very snarky and I'm not that funny and I don't think I'm fugly and I work hard at school and I get stressed out easily and I actually go out of my way and still make an effort and just djfkasdjflksdjflsd
    like I suddenly feel like so much of this website has become about shallow things like that.
    Making quotes isn't about that. It's about coming up with something clever, or about noting something particularly memorable down. To me, wittyprofiles.com has always been about more than being 'anti-cool'.
    Some people should keep that in mind.
    (And I'm not insinuating that everything I've mentioned is like that - please don't get offended. I just feel that there's suddenly a 'norm' on witty and to me, that's very very stupid.
    I'm not trying to imply that some of the issues raised here (e.g. self-harm) are just attention-seeking or anything like that.
    Thank you.)


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