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As I think back in time...
When everything was a game...
I feel the tears well up...
Because nothing is the same!

2nd grade...what a life!
Your best friend was always true...
At lunch, recess, or during class...
They were always there for you!

And if you did fight...
No matter how lame...
A simple "I'm sorry" was said...
Then everyone returned to their game!

4th grade...Guys still had cooties...
You crossed your fingers...
So you didn't get "boy germs"...
No doubts had to linger!

Boys were icky...
Just ask your friend...
"I'll never ditch you for a boy", she'd say...
"We'll be friends till the end"!

Fast forward time...7th grade...
"Help me with my crush"...
Your friend would beg...
As you felt that first emotional rush!

Move forward again...10th grade...
Saying "I'm sorry" just doesn't work...
Things aren't the same anymore...
Harsh words and feelings still lurk!

You watch your friend change...
She's wrapped up in guys...
You don't know what to do...
you don't want to say good-bye!

You wish with all your heart...
That you could go back to the past...
Leave everything tough behind...
And allow your childhood to last!
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As I think back in time... When everything was a game... I feel

1 faves · Feb 6, 2005 2:30pm






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