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You're the coolest, the best, and the most fun to be with. You've been there for me through it all. I've known you for two years and I'm closer to you than anyone else. You know just what to say and when to say it. I can't picture a day without you. You know everything about me and i know everything about you. You know what's right or whose right for me. You're my other half. I will always have your back and I will always be there for you. You're there for me through thick and thin. Although we may fight it's okay because it only makes our friendship stronger. Sisters fight all the time, yet they love each other and know that they can never live a  day without each other. There is no other way to describe our friendship, it's just the best. That's why you are 

~ My Best Friend ~

Mine :)
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You're the coolest, the best, and the most fun to be with. You've

6 faves · Apr 16, 2009 1:56am






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