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You are beautiful

all the time
You are beautiful with makeup on
You are beautiful with no make up on
You are beautiful when you sleep
You are beautiful when your eyes just will not close
You are beautiful when you wake up
and your hair is a mess
You are beautiful when you read or watch something
and it really makes you smile
You are beautiful when you are serious
and you are beautiful when you are silly
you are beautiful when you feel joy
but you are also beautiful when you feel sadness
you are beautiful when you cannot speak
you are beautiful when all you want to do is speak
you are beautiful when you help people
and you are beautiful when you help yourself
you are beautiful when you want to cry
you are beautiful when all you want to do is smile
and you are beautiful when you are afraid to smile
and you are beautiful even when you feel alone
you are beautiful every minute
of every day
and just because no one stops to tell you
does not mean your beauty does not exist
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You are beautiful all the time You are beautiful with makeup

3 faves · Jun 4, 2015 8:53pm





beautiful · inspire · quote

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Y0UNGL0V3MURD3R*Yours Truly*seafoam*