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String wrapped around our waists,
as you spun, I spun around, dizzily 
numbly moving along the scene.
As the both of us are seperated. 

We are left, facing our backs to each
other, I never wanted to be a lonely
star, orbiting around you, as you orbit
another planet, loving her, and not me.

Because your orbitation, is you arms
wrapped around her waist, hugging her.
Twirling the both of you, with string.
As I am on my knees, not letting go of the 


I tell myself, you love me.
But I know, it tastes like a lie, like bitter syrup of medicine. 

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String wrapped around our waists, as you spun, I spun around,

10 faves · Jan 11, 2015 8:20pm





string · love · quote

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