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Do the scars on my skin change how you love me? Does the size of my waist change how you hold me? Does me being gay change the way you see me? Does the shape of my face change how you talk to me? Does the amount of pills I need to take to survive change how you think of me? It shouldn't. It just shouldn't. But I know it still does..
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Do the scars on my skin change how you love me? Does the size

13 faves · 5 comments · Jun 7, 2014 9:02am

~Spoken Silence~*


~Spoken Silence~*


life · blah · sigh · idontreallyknow · quote

Maddness!* · 9 years ago
Thanks man and same thing goes to you! :)

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Maddness!* · 9 years ago
Good to know I'm not the only one with these feelings!

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~Spoken Silence~* · 9 years ago
You're never only darling, there's always others whom are going through the same thing, it have.
If you ever need anything just drop me a comment ♥
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* Sabaism * · 9 years ago
If it does change how someone thinks of you
Then they don't matter
It's that simple
People who matter will understand that you are who you are
And you are perfect just how you are
Those people who don't accept you are like stains on a while shirt
You have to bleach them out of your life.

You are an Angel fish in a world full of Angler fish.
You are fantastic
You are amazing
But more importantly
You are loved
Never ever forget that.
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~Spoken Silence~* · 9 years ago
Thank you, lyric.
it means so much, your advice always makes me smile, and cry.
but its a good cry. A happy cry,
a cry that helps me feel loved. Thank you, dear. So so much.

now excuse me, this angel fish has places to be, and stains to bleach.
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