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I never would have imagined losing someone so close to me so early in life, someone who was so happy and selfless. I can't believe you missed all of senior year and graduation, I just can't. And on rough days you hit me so hard that I don't want to do anything but cry. I really thought it would get easier. I really thought that I would be able to handle you not being here and believing you are here with me in spirit, but it is so hard on days when you want to curse at God for taking such an important person from my life. I miss you so d*mn much. I just want to get your old boring texts asking to hang out or to see a really awkward selfie that you always posted on instagram. We haven't forgotten about you down here, please don't forget about us up there.
I love you Shay.


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I never would have imagined losing someone so close to me so

2 faves · Jun 2, 2014 5:24pm





imissyou · ifheavenwasntsofaraway · restinheaven · tomybestfriend · quote

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