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You're so cute, when you get
so absorbed in your work that
you don't even see me look at
you. The way that you just do
not care about anything, yet
you're so carefull. I love how
stupid & funny you act in class
but you never seem to see that
I'm laughing the hardest. The
way you smile hits me right in
the heart, hurts but I LOVE it.
You're so addicting, and just
all together perfect in my point
of view. No matter how dumb
you act, or how many times
you mess up, it just seems so
perfect. Like you're the perfect
mistake. The most beautifuly,
perfect mistake that I have ever
layed eyes on. We have never
talked before. But you have NO
idea how bad I want to speak
up and say "hi." It seems so
simple, and don't get me wrong,
it is. But with you I have to watch
myself, because I'm afriad you
might have your eye on someone
else. That you're seeing someone
who you love like I love YOU. I'm
scared that rejection is waiting for
me. Waiting to jump on my heart
and smash it into the ground. It'll
be gone. But not the feelings I've
felt for you. Those could NEVER
be replaced. You could say the
crulest things, and I would still
be in love with you. I've tried so
hard to get rid of my feelings. So
maybe it was ment to be. That the
say I speak up will be the day you
fall in love. Or maybe there is a
reason that you haven't said any
thing yet. It's now been eight yrs
that I have liked you. And only 7
since I knew I fell in love. So I'm
just really hoping you like me back.
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You're so cute, when you get so absorbed in your work that

1 faves · Sep 9, 2013 7:50pm





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