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June 18, 2013 7:40pm

you know really care for someone when it hurts

it feels like there's a hole in your chest
when you see the cuts on their wrists,
it feels like you can't breathe
when they tell you how depressed and tired they are,
you feel the tears well up in your eyes when
they confess about their suicidal thoughts,
you'll really feel it when all of these
come together once you figure out
they finally gave up

then you'll feel guilt

because you didn't know what to do to help them,
to stop them from taking their last breath so soon,
to save them from
the dark
that's been creeping in their mind and soul for awhile now
that completely consumed them and made them to choose this way out

the easy way out

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June 18, 2013 7:40pm you know really care for someone when it

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