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I'd like to know exactly who this "person" is I keep admitting things to...
we could have some interesting conversations about what I keep "admitting."

I'm pretty sure that you're delusional.

And "it's a bit pathetic" for you to accuse me of something that didn't happen.
Your proof? Where is it? Oh yeah, that's right, IT DOESN'T F.CKING EXIST.
Someone's word means NOTHING without evidence to back it up.

And did I call you a cheater?
No, I don't believe I did.

And as for my boyfriend... he can make his own decisions and he does,
unlike you who has your mommy decide EVERYTHING for you...

I swear, you're about as gullible as a five year old.

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I'd like to know exactly who this "person" is I

2 faves · Jun 13, 2013 2:02am





pathetic · delusional · immature · gullible · advice

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