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Oh Cherie
Kiss or a killer?
Chapter 5 - p5
I ran out the house, crying.
"Cherie!" Jake shouted, coming after me.
I hopped into my Mum's car, pulling the seat-belt over really fast. Pushing the keys in I took one last look a Jason who was also in tears.
I was just driving away, sulking.
Why oh why oh why?
Stupid Jake. That bxtch.
Suddenly infront of me, stopped a car. It was Jake's car.
My path was blocked. I honked my horn!
"MOVE!" I screamed, heaving.
They both climbed out the car.
She stood infront of mine, I was so tempted, so tempted to just keep driving over her.
Jason was in tears, along with Jake.
"Jake, move," I softly said. "Or I'll run you over."
"Please Cherie, just listen," she weeped.
I wouldn't listen.
"Do you really hate me that much?" Jake bewaild.
I nodded. I exhaled heavily, looking into her teary eyes.
"Look, Cherie. Jason and I are meant to be together, he loves me, I love him."
She put her hand over her stomach. "It's a boy."
"He does not love you!" I shouted again.
"He does," she said, turning to him. "When you were missing, we got into a relationship. We thought you were dead Cherie. What did you expect us to do. Love happens, it's something we can't control. If we could, do you ever think I would do this to you?"
I nodded.
I placed my hand on the stearing wheel and tried to drive.
"Move your car," I grunted.
"Cherie listen," she said.
"Move your car."
"Cherie," Jason finally said.
"Move.your.car!" I screamed.
Jake sighed and got into her car.
She mouthed something. She said that it wasn't over.
She hauled her car out of the drive and in full speed I drove off.
She was 18, meaning she would be 19 when she gave birth.
Did that not bother her?
I made my way to where Tina lived.
"I want your help Tina," I said.
"What?" she said
"I know it was you who saved me, you did me a favour," I turned to her. "And I need one more."
"Go on.." she said.
"I want ruin rhe callipsos," I whispered.
"The bxtches."

"Jason, do you really love Jake?" I asked, blubbering.
"I love her, yes," he said.
"No you don't," I objected.
"What do you mean?"
"You love me, Jason," I began. "I know you do."
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Oh Cherie Kiss or a killer? Chapter 5 - p5 - I ran out the house,

5 faves · 3 comments · May 22, 2013 12:04pm





love · story · quote · format · black · purple · sotry

spence* · 1 decade ago
omg please write another one!
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TheJealousOne · 1 decade ago
I might need to do it tomorrow lol. I'm busy today, sorry!
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spence* · 1 decade ago
awwww :(
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