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Oh Cherie
Kiss or a killer?
Chapter 5 - p2
Cherie's POV
"I'm so nervous, baby," I told Sam he drove all three of us to school.
He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, Cherie."
I smiled and rest my hand on his thighs.
Tina was too busy face-timing her cousin to notice we pulled away in the drive.
"Are coming T?" I laughed.
She zoned back in and closed her face-time, climbing out the car.
I held Sam's hand and walked back into the school.
It all seemed so familiar, I could recoginze many faces but I tried not to, since it hurt my brain to think.
"Cherie, come this way!" she shouted, dragging Sam and I to the side when she saw Mike and Sophie.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Keep away from those too."
The bell rung, seconds after that.
I kissed Sam and made my way to math class.
"Cherie?" a familiar voice said.
"What? How did you know my name?" I asked.
"Duh, it's me Cherie, Mike and that's Sophie," he said pointing to the girl he held hands with.
I got a little freaked out and walked into class.
"Alright class, these are you seats from now on," she said, escorting us to our seats.
I sat down, still confused about what happened this morning.
"So, what's your name?" the boy next to asked.
"Cherie," I replied.
The boy looked stunned and turned around to me shocked.
"Cherie?" he said.
"Yeah, so.."
"Oh, nothing, I'm Jason," he said back.
He kept looking at me throuhout the lesson.
"Would you stop that?" I said.
"Stop staring at me, you freak!"
"I'm Jason, Cherie. Don't you remember?"
"No! I don't okay."
"You're alive," he said.
There was silence for a few moments.
The bell rang, thank god. I could not bare to be with Jason any longer.
He freaked me out.
I met Sam outside the male toilets.
"How was your lesson babe?" I asked, kissing him.
Jason stared from behind.
"Wait a minute.." He said, pulling us apart. "Babe?"
"Would you leave us along?" I said, holding Sam's hand. "He's been following me Sam."
"Hey, are you upsetting my girlfriend?" he said, fiercly.
"She's not your girlfriend!" Jason shouted. "She's mine."
Sam raised his hand on Jason, his nuckles out and face red with fury!
He punched Jason full on in the face, leaving a red mark.
"Take that, asxhole!" he shouted, grabbing his collar and pushing him back.
He punching him again. I screamed and jumped back.
"Come on Sam, we've got to get out of here," I said pulling him back. A crowd gathered and we left before anyone could see it was Sam who punched 'the most popular boy in school.'
"Thanks for saving me," I said hugging Sam. "God knows what that pxrv could have done to me."
"Let me know if he bothers you again."
"So, where's Tina?" I asked.
"She's waiting for us in the cafeteria," he replied, grabbing my arm and leading me there.
"Hey, Tina," I said.
She was too busy on her iphone again.
"Tina, hellooo!" I shouted.
She jumped up. "Oh sorry, Cherie, It's this game, addicting."
She hugged both of us and sat down.
"So, what's up?"
"Well, I met some weird people," I told her.
"Really?" she laughed. "Who?"
"This weird boy called Jason for one."
"Oh shxt," she whispered.
"Nothing." She smiled.

"Why are you ignoring me Jason?" Jake asked.
"I'm not," he muttered.
"Yes you are, I called you twice and I sent you 4 texts! Are you seeing someone else?" she asked, pulling his chin over, leaning in for a kiss.
He turned his head.
"Well, are you?" she cried.
Jake got up, picked up her bags and left, weeping.
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Oh Cherie Kiss or a killer? Chapter 5 - p2 - Cherie's POV

5 faves · 4 comments · May 18, 2013 10:53am





love · story · quote · format · black · purple · sotry

spence* · 1 decade ago
OMG THIS IS EXCITING O.O oh god yes let her remember him!!
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TheJealousOne · 1 decade ago
Awh :) Tomorrow I will post more
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spence* · 1 decade ago
Really? Omg please do!
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TheJealousOne · 1 decade ago
Done :)
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