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Tomorrow is my friends 11 month.
11 months for what Corinne?Well 11 months ago on May 9th,she took her life.Now I pray some of you don't have to go through the same pain I go through on every 9th of the month.I can express how I feel every single day.And I know this next month until her one year will be the hardest for me.I know most of you don't care but suicide is an awful thing.No one should be in that much pain to end their lives.You were brought to the world for a reason.I don't care if you're having troubles and you feel the need to self harm,or try to commit.Take it from someone who is still having a hard time.Your friends,family,and even people you talk to on here will have a hard time with it.Believe me,I have my troubles as well and some of you may go through the same things I have.But please,lets try and get the suicide rate down.I will do whatever it takes,to help get it down.If you need to talk.Leave a comment on my profile i'm here for you no matter who you are.Please.Talk to me.

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Tomorrow is my friends 11 month. 11 months for what Corinne?Well

5 faves · 4 comments · Apr 8, 2013 5:23pm





inspirational · advice · suicide

TheHalfbacksGirl · 1 decade ago
I'm sorry </3 RIP.. I'm sure she was a beautiful person, inside and out.. She's in a better place now, watching over you from a safe haven above. No more pain, no more tears. I know it's hard, but it happens for a reason. Be strong for her. I know that is much easier said than done, and it doesn't mean don't mourn the loss of a beautiful soul, but keep going, live your life to the fullest in her honor. Live your life for her, let her memory live through you. Never let her fire die out in your heart, and never let her be forgotten. And I can't say I can relate to what you're going through, but I'm here for you in anyway I can possibly be, even if that just means listening when you need someone to talk with.
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xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
This comment brought tears.It's just hard because she was one of my close friends back in the day when I went to the same school as her,and I think about her everyday.I hope one day I can go and tell more and more people my experience and hopefully end teen suicide.I know that seems hard,but I am determined to get it done.I don't want more and more people going through what I have to go through.
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TheHalfbacksGirl · 1 decade ago
Like I said, I can't say I relate directly, because the only person I knew that committed suicide, well, I didn't really know her. We talked a few time on a game site.. But that is a very noble cause. What was her name?
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xxcorinne95xx · 1 decade ago
Her name was Emma,and she was 16 at the time and we would have graduated this year well I am but she would have too
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