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A little advice would be cool if you're good with like social things

Uh so this is the first time in YEARS since I've actually had a crush on a guy and I forgot how this whole thing works. It's not like I'm pretty enough where I can just walk up to him and be like hey can I blow you or something I need to start a conversation where it doesn't seem like I'm trying to talk to him, more like I don't have a choice or an accident or something. He is in my guitar class, not in any of my other classes but I see him in between almost every class. I would like some ideas for either starting a conversation at an opportune moment, or purposely creating some sort of accident that causes some dialogue. Some background information: he is really really good at guitar, I don't know why he is in the class. He is really outgoing, and he has spoken to me twice. I, however, have never said a word to him. My responses have only been nodding or shaking my head yes or no. I am incredibly socially awkward, and I'm really bad at conversation. With that in mind, do you have any ideas I could realisically pull off?
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A little advice would be cool if you're good with like social

0 faves · 2 comments · Mar 20, 2013 6:53pm





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Audrina6 · 1 decade ago
Well, my advice would be, to just talk to him. Start off with something about guitars. Even if your afraid to start the conversation first do it! Because trust me you'll regret it. But, if you don't want to do that then I suggest having your friends trying to help you. I mean when I liked this guy they texted him off my phone, and then later we started talking and he liked me. So maybe something like that. Hopefully whatever I said works!
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zyxwME4754 · 1 decade ago
lol friends xD I don't really have any of those. But I really can't just talk to him, I sort of need a well constructed plan to force a conversation where I don't end up looking like I'm trying really hard to get with him. I mean you have to realize I literally never talk in school. Even the two times he tried to speak to me I just couldn't....
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