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The affects of bullying are more than some people know. You're so proud of yourself one minute, then the next you're sitting alone, crying, wishing you could be back in the moment of happiness again. You try you're best at school, home, evrything you do, but it isn't enough. Most of the time you only feel content for a few minutes, and then you're back to deteriorating. You spend all this time trying to do something that will make your life signifigant, but after you die, everyone will forget about you. Maybe not right away, but soon, you'll be replaced by someone struggling just as hard as you did and just as hard as the rest of us. You wake up constantly from nightmare, crying, calling out someone's name who will never force your door down, wrap their arms around you, sheilding you from all the bad you've ever imagined. No one is going to wrap their arms around you and sheild you. That only happens in fairy tales that were set up to ensure you fail. You get your hopes up on someone who just lets you down. You hope that there is someone out there who will love you, protect you, but there is no such person. There is no such thing as a signifigant other. There is no other person. There is only you. How can you count on people when they always leave you? They promise that no matter what they'll always be there for you; to talk, to laugh, to cry, to be sad and happy, everything. They're only there for the happy times. If they're only there less than half the time, then what's the point of them being there at all? Happiness will never last as long as we think. Well, it's not real happiness that lasts long. Real happiness only stays with you for a few moments in life and then it's gone forever and might never come back. I don't need sympathy or love. Love or kindheartedness. It's all nothing to me. I'd rather be trapped in my own little world. Living on some unknown planet where no one will ever find me. Ensnared in some web of depression. All alone on a gloomy, silent, freezing planet with murky waters and deep abyss' where, if I feel like it, I can untangle myself from the web and crawl over to one of the many abyss'. I'll look down into the deep, dark hole and just throw myself overboard. Plunging farther and farther down until I no longer feel the pain of living.
I wrote this about bullying in the po int of view of someone being bullied
Thank you for reading ♥

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The affects of bullying are more than some people know. You're

3 faves · Mar 14, 2013 8:37pm

Girl With a Cat Head*


Girl With a Cat Head*


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