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What Ladies Do

Prologue II:
   "The real question is, who has dirty plans for tonight?" Mia and Frankie oohed and ahhed; tongues seductively circling their lips to tease any of us who said yes. "Brianne, why don't you start?"
   "Why do you all assume I'm  w h 0 r ! n g  around tonight?" While her piercing blue eyes tried to plea innocent, we all grilled her with guilt. "Okay, okay. Adam's taking me out to the movies"
   "Is he taking you out to th movies or is he taking you out to the movies?" Lydia poked the deep dimple in her blushed cheeks.
   "Look who's talking, Ly! What do you and Joey have planned for tonight?" Lydia's mouth opened, then shut before revealing. "Uh huh. That's what I thought."
   "I'm going to bang Nick tonight and I have no shame in admitting it." Frankie laughed out; she was always one to be straight up honest with you. "Mia and Jimmmy probably are too."
   "Hey, my lips are sealed." Mia noted after slapping Frankie in the arm.
   "Yeah, but your legs aren't." This is where I came in; with witty jokes and come backs. Basically just along for the ride.
   "Oh yeah, and what are you doing this evening, Cinderella? You gonna be with Ben?" And this was where my problem started. I didn't mind being teased for my innocence once in awhile, but now it was just out of control.
   "As a matter of fact, I am. And you know what we're doing? Babysitting, so hop off." My hand came crashing down into the table, making the freshman at the next table over jump.
   They didn't get how much this was starting to bother me; they never would. Of the six of us, I ws the only virgin left. I felt like some spieces of a bizarre creature you'd find on Mars. I was the lost, helpless little baby deer who was completely oblivious to everything. Or better yet? The little Disney princess with her head in the clouds, waiting for true love. I knew I was the one with my head screwed on right, butnow I questioned myself: Did I want my head screwed on this tight anymore?

Thanks for reading, Loves! How do you like my newest creation?! I'm still gonna be writing Aided by an Angel, but I had a burst of inspiration for this one so yeah! If you want to see polyvores for this go to my account (amberbailey27). Some of the names are weird to say so here you go: Bri*anne . Ha*lee (long a sound) . Li*dia (Ly is said like Lee). - Amber :)xx

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What Ladies Do Prologue II: "The real question is, who has

7 faves · Feb 13, 2013 11:40pm





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