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Hispanics and Blacks are supposedly America's biggest criminals but you don't see them going to theatres or schools killing innocent people.
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Hispanics and Blacks are supposedly America's biggest criminals

123 faves · 107 comments · Dec 30, 2012 9:43pm






Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
I lost my surrogate sister's boyfriend to a horrible THING in a theater that I was supposed to be in.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
im sorry!
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
You think race has to do with this?
Blacks are seven times more likely to commit murder. You can't take two examples of mentally unstable white people and act like because of that they are inferior to minorities okay.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
blacks take so much from everyone else and nobody cares about whites. which do you think s more bad?
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
White people take stuff too but if they say anything, they're ''. When I was applying for scholarships last year, there were several scholarships you could apply for if you were a minority, but that's totally fine. What if there was a scholarship just for white people, wouldn't that be ? I thought we were all supposed to be equals.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
there is a spot to check if your white or black not part of the system.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
No that's something different there were actually scholarships offered just for minorities
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
oh well then idk
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likemillionares · 1 decade ago
For you idiots who are WHITE and are taking something so small so seriously, think about the fact that blacks and hispanics get SO MUCH CRAP. People are more to blacks than ANY OTHER RACE. So someone makes a VERY TRUE COMMENT and gets a sh.itstorm because its saying that whites can be just as dangerous? You people are effing ridic.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
Thank you -_- someone gets it
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
White people get a lot of crap too, except nobody really cares. Everybody knows about how the KKK is toward blacks, but in my city there is actually a group of black people who go in the streets with loud speakers trying to get people to 'terminate the white population' but nobody really pays much attention to that.
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
20 black people*
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
Ok, sorry to comment again. But I did a little research. When they compare races and how many crimes they get, they don't compare the crimes by comparing the number of crimes. They compare it to the number of people of that race. For examlpe, say they both killed 10 people, and there are 20 people and 100 white people in America (Like I said, this is an example) So technically 50% of black people committed a crime and only 10% of white people. So they both committed the same amount of crimes, but since Black, and Hispanics are minorities it seems as if they are more dangerous
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PixieDustx · 1 decade ago
Ahha I find it funny how defensive and worked up people are getting about this quote. She's not being she stating something.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
me too -_-.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
I love you right now.
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PixieDustx · 1 decade ago
Haha :')
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
you should feel special(; haha
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asianninjanerdsrule · 1 decade ago
because whites only tend to be driven to do things like that if they're mentally insane. both guys involved in those terrible shootings were straight out lunatics.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
So they said. you can plea insanity theres no way to prove tht someones insane.
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PoisonIvy · 1 decade ago
Alright, it's quite obvious others have pointed out your failure at trying yo prove something (I can't actually see what that is). Here's the thing, this is . You defended to races by judging another? How does that make any sense what so ever? Quite honestly this quote me off, I'm not saying you're a bad person for whatever concept you were trying to prove. People judge. It's a fact of life. There are all these ridiculous stereotypical prejudices floating around in everyone's mind whatever race you are. THIS quote? It was prejudice, whether you realized it or not, the Connecticut shooting? It happened by, yes, a Caucasian, mentally unstable man. Yet, I'm sure if you looked it up several Hispanic or Black men or women have also done something similar. You need to think about them as a person, view them as an individual not as a group of people. You basically did what you are claiming is so wrong. Judging by a group of people. So how does that make it right? Please explain because I honestly would like to know your argument against it. (Sorry for any typos I'm using a tablet with auto correct).
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
your comment confused me.
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PoisonIvy · 1 decade ago
I made my point pretty clear,but let's try this again, why don't we? By you grouping people together as "Hispanic", "Black", or "White", you're being extremely prejudice. You need to view the individual person along with the individual crime they commit. Every single person on this planet is going to be prejudice in some way or another, and there isn't any way you can stop that. You especially are prejudice. You're prejudice against Caucasian criminals obviously (which is odd considering you are in fact Caucasian). I could also claim you are prejudice against those who are mentally unstable. You see? You used all these ridiculous claims to prove your argument, when in reality you were just making an argument against yourself. If you still don't understand I'm either extremely bad at explaining (a likely idea) or you're just incompetent.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
im saying black people take a lot of and white ppl do horriable things too that i count as worse. and nobody cares.
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PoisonIvy · 1 decade ago
Yeah, well, the world is . It's always been . And it's always going to be . People are . People care, they're just smart enough to know that no one actually would care enough. The world is He'll. You just have to learn to live with it like everybody else. <--- Wisdom from a self- confessed pessimist
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PoisonIvy · 1 decade ago
Mmk....I said "as*holes"not "rascals" -_-
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
This is actually politically incorrect, because of the following:
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely
than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and
Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of
the population that is black and Hispanic.
Now, I'm not or anything. I got that info from this website :http://www.colorofcrime.com/colorofcrime2005.pdf
And I know that white do commit crimes as well, but Hispanics and Black do commit the most crimes. It's just a political fact.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
Im judgeing by the sadness of the crimes for this quite everyone thinks blacks and hispanics but what about the WHITE guy who shot 20 innocent little kids. which do u care about more someone getting shot in the "hood" by a black guy or the kids that died cuz of the white guy.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
That while male wasn't mentally stable. He didn't take his medication, so he went crazy. It wasn't intentional, but it is still of course really tragic and extremely sad. i'm just saying it's more common for Hispanics and Blacks to commit crimes, not just a mass murder.
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sofigarcia · 1 decade ago
so when black people murder someone they're thugs. when hispanic people do it they're thugs. when arabs/muslims do it they're terrorists. but when theyre white there MUST be something wrong with him he must be mentally unstable we must do research because white people aren't thugs or terrorists. my point is that no one ever takes the time to investigate they just assume that non white people are just thugs or terrorists
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
Exactly. The thing who killed my surrogate sister's boyfriend was NOT mentally unstable. He was just evil. Evil does not know a color. Nor does intelligence know an age.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
I was talking that specific guy. Nevermind. all I'm saying is that Everyone commits crimes, and it's not just white people. Blacks and Hispanics commit crimes more often, it's just the statistics.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
I kow what you were saying. People just said he was phsycotic. He was just evil.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
Yeah. But he did have a mental illness.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
No. He didn't. I was supposed to be there that night. They have a recording of 'it' on the phone with it's dad saying that he'd got everyone believing he was ill and that he'd be out in no time.He was just cruel. I was supposed to sit in the seat of my friend Kevin's best friend, Micayla Medek. I never met her because of that thing. I never got to see the day my friend AJ became a parent. His girlfriend never got to witness their wedding. It also shot my friend Sarah in the leg and it's very probable that she will never walk without crutches again.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
Oh. Wow, I'm so sorry.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
Oh, and to add, if you wanted to know everything my friend AJ and surrogate sister Lasamoa meant to each other, go to this link; http://www.9news.com/rss/story.aspx?storyid=279881
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
Oh. Well I was specifying to the shooting at Sandy Hook, where the guy was actually diagnosed with a mental illness.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
Don't worry about it. I've had to tell this to many people. I am followed to you, so I do enjoy your opinion on certain topics. This one's just a bit personal.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
Yeah. My apologies
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
Ok, so I'm not , but they do say that Hispanics and Blacks commit more crimes, because they do. If you check out statistics, they have a higher percent than white people. But the thing is, a lot of the times that the Hispanics and blacks do it is because of poverty. They will steal, lie, and even hurt somebody if that's what It takes to feed their families But white people normally do it for fame. They want to be known for something instead of being some loser in their parents basements. . Clearly, everybody knows who Adam Lanza is. But honestly a few big tragedies still wont compare with the thousands of small crimes that happen everyday.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
i still think that what white people do is the same as black and hispanics. im sorry but shooting 20 kids came from a heartless person.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
You can't act like white people are the biggest criminals because of a couple examples. Judge the person not the race.
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
I'm not saying they're not heartless. any person who can look somebody in the eye and still shoot them is heartless. I'm saying that just because they're not huge shootings, its still a crime. So if you do look at the statistics, minorities do have higher crime rates.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
yes thats true but if a black guy and a white guy were under investigation They would most likely look at the back guy first,, bc of sterotypes.. im just saying its ridiculus.
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
Yes I know, but if they're both under investigation wouldn't they both be suspicious?
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
yes but think about it you have a rich white guy and you have a tatted up buffed up black guy which one you going to think did it first?
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
Obviously the black guy, but why are you assuming the black guy has tattoos and the white guy is rich? What If the black guy was rich with a nice suit and brief case, but the white man was the one with tattoos and had wearing raggedy clothes. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do about race.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
They would still probaly go for the black one. ill be honest i would to at first its just how people see things.
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
So before you said people shouldn't assume minorities commit more crimes than white people, but now you're saying that even you think they do?
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
no.. i now they do but just bc they do doesnt mean they are the worst people. I think the worst thing thats happened is the people tht took guns nd shot up schools little innocent kids. which was mostly white guys who did that.
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SorryNotSorry · 1 decade ago
because the United States is mostly white people.... But just because somebody skin color is different it shouldn't make a difference
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
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xSweetGoodbyes · 1 decade ago
i mean, in SOME areas this is true, in others its not.
but the finger is always pointed at them.
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cablemade135 · 1 decade ago
This quote made my day.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
Then you're welcome(:
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
I'm not but I hate black people.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
How is that not ? My family is an adorable black 5 year old and an 11 year old black girl with their mom. They shared a house with me for almost 2 years.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
You're only 11. You don't have the capacity of thought required to comprehend my perspectives.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
F/ck you. Don't bring age into this t. Hating a race is . Go F/ck yourself.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Again you're 11. I don't care what you think or say. You don't mean anything to me. You're just so random girl on the internet. And those are some pretty big words for a child. Maybe you should grow up, mature, and learn before you try to interact with someone far beyond your intellect level.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
F/ck isn't anything more than what I don't give. Intelligence doesn't know an age. You never know, I could get my degree as a police officer and what if you have a child that goes missing and I find them before it's too late? You don't know who I am. And for your information, hating one certain race, like what you said, "I'm not , but I hate black people." is 100% written by a judgmental idiotic.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
You're 11. Go back to drawing on the walls like the child you are. Intelligence does know age. You don't see children who are smarter than adults. You need to learn how to learn. Something you obviously have not done. And I don't live anywhere near you. And unlike some parents if I had a child they wouldn't go missing. That statement was a joke. But I do hate blacks more than whites. The reason being that black people are more likely to commit crimes, they're more likely to act like some ghetto loser and some wannabe gang member. Very few black people are actually cool. 2 or 3 in my school don't act like complete morons. I shouldn't be arguing with some who has very little intelligence. Even if you were my age you wouldn't be my peer. I'd be way smarter than you. Nothing will change that fact.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
You say you don't see children who are smarter than adults? I'm smarter than you. And you're right, I wouldn't be your peer, how silly of me. Every one in my family has graduated college EARLY so I'd be in the advanced class while you're in the what? Shmuck class? Have you listened to a liberal radio talk show your whole life BY CHOICE? I started listening to AM 7.60 when I was 7. Love doesn't know a color. I'm the head achiever of my grade and I have proof. My report card. You should really go to the Westburrow Baptist where you belong. Those 's are cowardly too! They threatened to come to my friend AJ's funeral after he was shot by a creature in a theater. You'd love making people hate you. You've already made 20 wittians hate you, why not the whole world?
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
The hell you aren't. I'm more than just at the head of my class. I'm taking classes that I should be 2 years from now and blowing them out of the water. I'm the smartest kid in my school, no doubt about it. Churches are for religious nuts. So no. They hate people for the wrong reasons. I hate people for the right reasons. They act like morons. People SHOULD hate me. They aren't smart enough to comprehend the world as it actually is. They let their personal lives into facts. That is a mistake. Something which you have also done. And even though they're completely delusional they aren't cowardly. They're standing up for what they believe, no matter how wrong they are. I do love making people hate me. Let's me know that people are inferior to me when they hate me. They hate me because I tell the truth. People don't like that,
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
.. i have no response for you..
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
What? Every black person I know except for 2 or 3 is a piece of sh*t. And I know a lot of black people.
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alittleinspiration · 1 decade ago
Stereo types, my dear. Just because they're a different race doesn't mean they have a different hert. Actually, I take that back. They have a better heart, because of how judgemental you're being.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
They aren't superior to me at all. Most people have a vastly inferior intellect. Stereotypes? That's all these dumbasses from school are. They act like the stereotypes. That's why I hate them. And I only know of 2 or 3 people that are black in my area that I don't hate with a passion. I'm a very hateful person. I hate anyone who deserves it. So I hate about 80% of the population.
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alittleinspiration · 1 decade ago
You sound like you belong in the Westboro Baptist Chruch my cousin tells me about
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
I hate stupid people, I hate criminals, I hate homophobes, I hate religious fanatics, I hate that f*cking church. I'm atheist sweetheart. I would never be involved in a parasitic filth known as religion. Especially that specific church. I hate people for many reasons. And I see you are very ignorant to the point I brought across. Which means you are being willfully ignorant because I already gave the point. So you are also stupid. Try talking to me when you're smarter.
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Smiles_Mustaches · 1 decade ago
It isn't a church. Do your f/cking research.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
You must be retarded. I've done more than my fair share of research about them. The sheer stupidity of that statement makes me better than you.
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alittleinspiration · 1 decade ago
*Looking through the comments*
Let's just say people can be dicks and leave it at that.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
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rebecca* · 1 decade ago
I gotta say the people getting all pissy over this quote kind of crack me up.
I live in Los Angeles, a place known for gangs and a high Hispanic population.
Guess what?
Most crimes are not committed by a certain racial group; it varies.
Yeah, there are *some* Hispanic & Black people who commit crimes, but not anymore than every other ethnicity.
Even in big cities, where people assume most crimes are committed by people of Hispanic and Black heritage, that isn't the case.

wow ok i hope people can understand that comment i dont feel like i put my thoughts together well
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
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funsized_love · 1 decade ago
This is a good qoute :-)
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
*grabs popcorn and soda*
*scrolls through comments*
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
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staying_true_to_myself · 1 decade ago
Thank you /('.')/
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
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staying_true_to_myself · 1 decade ago
yes !!! you have a proved a point and i thank you for it
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justlivelife · 1 decade ago
im with you. i mean sure most crimes are committed by blacks and hispanics but you dont see them killing 20 little kids.
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wallenbee · 1 decade ago
Do you even know anything about that? Like.. seriously. It's not "supposedly" it's a fact. Look it up. Read a book. You're talking about the recent school and theater shooting? That's two things. Yeah, white people commit crimes, too. But if you actually knew anything about the statistics, you'd see that most crimes are commited by the black and Latino population.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
I have. and i know most of them are. but not all and no not just the recent but most of them are by white men who have "home issues' < dumbest excuse ever. but they get away with it because they plead 'insanity' look it up. our system is very messed up. blacks and hispanics are treated like shiz. everyday because of stuiped stereotypes. so you can take your hat comment and shove it up your a.s.s and block me if you dont like what i post. its that simple. thank you(:
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wallenbee · 1 decade ago
No one says ALL of the crimes are by Latinos and blacks. That's just stupid. And the guy from the school shooting had aspergers.. if that's what you're talking about. If you know most of the crimes are commited by those two races, then what are you getting all bent out of shape for? Yeah, there's , yeah they can be treated like , that has nothing to do with what you're saying. You even said yourself most crimes are commited by blacks and latinos. I don't understand the point you're trying to prove. You're stupid as hell and need to learn more about "our system" and pull your head out of your .
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
Im saying people are raciest too the point that a rich white guy can do whatever the he wants and get away with it. NO THATS NOT WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.. as you can see in the previous comments. and never said all of them. Its a statistic that most of the crime is caused by them. Im not stupid for having an opinon and my heads not up my but you can go yourself and get off this qoute with ll your hate. like for-real.
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wallenbee · 1 decade ago
Yeah. I'm not gonna read through you're other comments. I really don't give that big of a . I just wanted to correct your ignorance.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
If you dont give a then quit commenting dont b a
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
It was just in general.
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BringMeTheEric · 1 decade ago
Lol.... They pleaded insanity... so fuucking what? The first one went to jail. He didn't go to a Phsych Hospital, and the second guy killed himself. Do some research.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
Not those two -_- gawd go alittle farther back babes you will see.
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BringMeTheEric · 1 decade ago
What the ... those are the two cases you're talking about.. You're retarded.
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cupcake_lover88 · 1 decade ago
No im just talking in general. -_- No i'm not. Trust me.
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