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whats heathier:

being anorexic or bulimic?
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whats heathier: being anorexic or bulimic?

7 faves · 26 comments · Nov 25, 2012 7:05pm






lexy88 · 1 decade ago
kay.listen you're fine the way you are
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astavemyliuu · 1 decade ago
neither is healthier. why do you wanna be skinny? so that you would die in a few years time ? just because some stupid fcks said something about you? dont try either of them.cause you wont be able to run away from them after you try. just dont listen. please kay.. for me? please :(
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the_story_left_untold · 1 decade ago
neither. how about eating healthy and proportionally, and exercising.
you are beautiful, you don't even need to likee..no.
same as brdgt262, this like made me cry. i don't get why you don't love yourself, like i love you.
just please be happy with who you are..
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
oh darling this broke my heart. neither is healthier because the effect they have on the brain is the same. they mess you uand they are so bad and physically they can both end in death. you dont need to be a stick you don't at all, please know that. you are so beautiful and you don't need to starve yourself or make yourself throw up. these disorders make everyone around you suffer too because they won't know how to help you. talk to me about whatever you want whenever you want. and I just want you to know that you aren't even fat....AT ALL. you're skinny, just open your eyes the next time you look in the mirror without a prejudgmental mind set of what you think your body looks like and see that you actually are skinny. please never resort to puking or starving, you're too beautiful.
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
thank you.... that means a lot to me... but i dont believe it. i want to be a stick. i want to be able to see my ribs stick out. i want my hip bones to show. i want to be underweight/skinny. i want to be like my gf. i want to be skinny. so im going to be skinny one way or another.
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the_story_left_untold · 1 decade ago
oh kayleigh.. i'm not underweight. :/ please don't do anything to harm yourself..
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
how can you not be?? you are soo skinny!!!!!! :(
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the_story_left_untold · 1 decade ago
i'm at a healthy weight, it's just where my weight is on my body that probably makes me look skinnier than i actually am.
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
im running 6 miles per day and trying my best not to eat. it should work! or atleast i hope it does... /:
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
running will help, not eating won't! I'm sorry if I seem like I'm trying to force this on you but I just don't want to see you so lost or broken. not eating causes stress and stress causes bellyfat and that's scientifically proven. also it makes your body take full advantage of any and all food that you do eat and turn it into body fat. I wish you'd at least just go on a diet instead where you eat 1,200 calories a day of fruit and vegtables and whole wheat and white meats. here are a list of foods that help you loose weight: almonds, apples, asparagus, beans, berries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, curry, eggs, garlic, grapefruit, lemons, limes, oats, oranges, peanut butter, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, and yogurt. that's a wide range of different foods and I hope you can find foods that you like on it. you should eat at least 1,200 calories a day to avoid binge eating and stress. please stay healthy, you are worth it
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
thank you it means a lot to me that you actually care! idk if i can start eating those things though my mother doesnt buy most of those she doesn't buyheathy things so thats why i chose to just not eat but my parents are getting susipicious (sp). i am very picky also when it comes to food. im trying to eat but i just dont like it /:
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
i do care a lot and so many other people do too. If money isn't the issue, ask your mother to start buying healthier things, it doesn't have to be that direct though, you can ask for specific things. healthy foods can cost more though and that can be hard. just try to eat on the healthier side of whatever you do have and make sure you do eat. take 2 months and workout everyday and drink about 80 oz of water a day and try and eat healthier and you'll see that you can look and feel better without having to go to extremes....im here to help and you can always talk to me
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
thanks so much... im trying to eat more but since i already started nnot eating a lot its very hard. i have had a small squeezy yogurt and half a banana and i feel like im going to puke/: its hard...
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
I know that it's hard, but you have to keep trying because you're important and you deserve to be happy. the next time you feel sick after you've eaten, which might happen after you go for periods of starving, drink some water and wait a few minutes. also try lying down and if that doesn't work take an asprin. make sure to eat breakfast because then you won't feel so sick and it doesn't have to be some big huge breakfast either but food in the morning starts up your metabolism so it won't be starting up later and causing you pain. try having a piece of whole wheat toast with a little peanutbutter and a half a banana and some water right when you get up. or have half a cup of cereal and a piece of fruit. i swear you can be happy and healthy.
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
i can't eat breakfast. i never have. it makes me feel sick. its makes me feel like i am going to throw up. i can't eat less than a hour after i get up. sometimes more depending if i run in the morning. i do have a lot of water though. i read a thing once that if you have 2 cups of water before and after every meal that you will feel fuller and not want to eat as much. so thats what i have been doing. i get stomach aches a lot from eating though.. i actually feel better when i dont... /:
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
if you hang on through a few days of those though it will be better. that used to happen to me when i stopped eating but when I started again I would get up an hour before I actually had to be up and I would eat breakfast and then I would take tylenol when my stomach started to hurt and then I would go back to bed and when I got up it would be okay again and I would start my day. please don't get too far or deep into starving now because you're at the point where you can still trun around and you can be happy, healthy, AND skinny. you can still have the 24 inch waist or whatever and you can also have boobs and energy and you won't have to only think about food all day everyday because thats what happens, even if what you're doing is avoiding food, it will still be all you ever think about and I don't want that for you. you can have a flat stomach and lean legs but you will still have a clear, focused, upbeat mind because you can be healthy and skinny instead of sick and skeleton-like. you can look and feel amazing by keeping a balance of working out and eating, you don't have to choose starving or puking
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
thank you so much. i will try... thank you for caring. thank you for talking to me. just thank you so much!!! you have no idea how much this means to me. xxx
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brdgt262 · 1 decade ago
no problem, and talk to me when ever! I believe in you that you can fight this and win. stay strong<3
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xSophiax · 1 decade ago
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
but which one is better? which one can the person who is suffereing from it live the longest without getting sick?
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xSophiax · 1 decade ago
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
i know. but likeeee.... which one is better? not better but like better for the person who has it?
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xSophiax · 1 decade ago
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kay5999 · 1 decade ago
okay. thanks.
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