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Heres my list........

My teeth, laugh, don't like my smile, I have low self confidence, I say i don't care what other people say about me but i really do, I take that stuff to heart... I hate that I'm short, I don't even like my own sence of style, And people bash on people who like one direction... honesyly you have no no idea what it's like. I'm not obsessed. Those 5 boys aare like a savior to me.... I love them.. like my sister thinks im crazy because I just want to meet each of those boys and tell them that. When they came out with little things i couldnt stop listening to it.. because its about a girl that "has" imperfections but they think thats what makes her, well her... And the other night when you said you love those little things,, I started to like half cryy.. because it made me think of that song..... You make me feel beautiful.

You are beautiful Rachel, I promise I love everything about you. All those things you think are wrong with you, I love all of them. I actually like one direction. They do speak the truth. Trust me Rachel. You're a great girl.
I.Love.You... Honestly thoughh...... I hate those things about myself, but you know what... Even though I hate them, I wouldnt trade them in for anything, because if one of this was different I probally wounldnt be the person I am today. And I wouldnt have you... Its really corny but you have made me think that I am beautiful... I now know that All of thost "little things" Make me, Me.. and I'm not going to trade that in.
Exactly. And no its not corny. Its good. I give you self confidence which is good. its a good feeling eh?
I'm Green 
"He's" Grey 
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Heres my list........ My teeth, laugh, don't like my smile,

5 faves · 1 comments · Nov 12, 2012 9:09pm






jjjenn4000 · 1 decade ago
He better ask you out soon!!! <3 YOU...
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