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Life LoveandLollipops 13
When I opened my eyes next,
the first thing I saw was prisine white ceiling. And wires.
My dads face swam into view and his hand ( I presumed ) squeezed mine.
"Lena honey?" He asked. My sight was blurry,
his face was unfocused and cloudy. I shut my eyes again,
but opened them when I heard Jake saying my name. "Len, wake up." He asked
gently. I tried to sit and pry the wires from my left arm but the nurse who
was by my bedside held them in place. "These stay until you are dismissed."
"What the hell happened?" I asked.
"You fell from the stairs. You broke your arm, fractured a rib, and have a concussion." Jake told me in one sentence. The nurse felt my forhead, "A little warm, does your head hurt? Or your neck for that matter." I nodded slowly, my stomach growled,
"I'll get right on that." She walked out and Jake came to sit on the bed with me. He kissed my cheek. "You're going to be fine." He patted my hand and I saw Kelly sitting wide eyed in the corner of the room. He face was wet with tears.

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Life LoveandLollipops 13 When I opened my eyes next, the first

5 faves · Sep 21, 2012 5:56pm






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