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I feel awkward around my best friends.
Almost like I don't belong with them.
We're alike in so many ways,
But different in the way most best friends are alike.
We don't hug.
Scratch that; don't hug.
I've never liked to.
I guess I'm afraid of being physically close to people.
Though I'm not sure why.
I've always wanted that TV friendship.
You know,
The one's where they share lockers,
And clothes.
And food.
And sit around spilling secrets.
I guess I just want that cliché friendship.
Now I love my friends to bits and pieces.
But don't scream it down the hallway.
I just wish I could have that for a day.
Just to see what it's like.
Because they all act that way with each other.
Not me though,
No heart to hearts,
No deep conversations in the middle of the night,
No making best friend books,
No taking cute pictures.

For once I'd like it to be that.
But I guess that's not me.

And that hurts.

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I feel awkward around my best friends. Almost like I don't

3 faves · Sep 13, 2012 10:44pm






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