Witty Profiles

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Chapter 6
In a flash, Simon and I are at the headquarters.
Funny how I imagine the headquarters to be all like the Spy Kids movies... It's nothing like it. It's just a house with a bunch of diffrent cultural themes. The owner must be a traveler- there's a polar bear head right next to a coconut bra.
"D@mn, who's the hottie?"
"hmmm?" this voice deffinatly was not Simon's voice.
"Hey Jack, keep your thoughts down, this one is a mind reader." A guy in a business suit says.
"Oh she can read my mind anytime" Says a guy who I presume is Jack.
"Lay off" Simon says, clearly frustrated.
"Alright, cool your head" Jack replies, and then something amazing happens.
All of a sudden Jack blows into Simon's face, and he is turned into ice.
 I don't know whether I should be impressed or terrified.
Wait, Simon probably can't breathe right now.
I start screaming.
And then Simon teleports to the kitchen and back to me, hands on my waist and cooing into my ear.
"Jesus, the girl finds out she's a mind reader and you have to pull a stunt. Go try to terrify girls elsewhere." The man with the business suit yells. He has a very low voice that could be soothing and terrifying. He also has a nice dark shade, and deep brown eyes. After he's done with Jack, he turns to me.
"Rachelle, I apolagize for this very big mess- we haven't had a new recruit in a long time. But anyways, my name is Romand, and I'm sure you have a ton of questions. I assure you they are all very important, but for the time being I can only tell you the jists. So, you are now part of SAP. An organization for people like us who have er- special abilities. We are not sure what happens to cause people like us, but we think it might be a gene malfunction. So far we have recruited 30 other people in the world who are part of SAP, and we are constantly looking for more. You see, people with powers can be potentially dangerous. Let's take Simon for example. Simon found out he could teleport at an unusually young age. He was around 11 years old when he discovered he could teleport. Now say we didn't find him, how would he be feeling around 11 years old, and being able to do things usual people can't?"
"Powerfull, and confused" I respond.
"Exactly, now with his new power he could have turned evil. He could rob banks, steal important documents, and even murder without getting caught. Often when people aren't educated, they do silly things. But ever since SAP found him, he hasn't been a danger to anyone- as far as we know"
Simon winks at me. I smile weakly, I'm so exausted from today's events. Wait, has it only been one day? Anyways, I doze off at the rest of the business man's lecture, and pick up three things.
1. I cannot use my power for evil.
2. I will be used to try to recruit more SAP people.
3. I will never live a normal life again
Thanks for reading c: fave please!

Romand: http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=622&tbm=isch&tbnid=sDE2XuUUPelfkM:&imgrefurl=http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainment/134453/hunger_games_world_premiere_what&docid=yMnOJemvChXkVM&imgurl=http://cdn-ugc.cafemom.com/gen/constrain/500/500/80/2012/03/13/02/6h/po/posfe5nk4kvzcr.jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=YmIuUKLkJeP86gG_wIC4DQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=527&vpy=154&dur=1294&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=180&ty=131&sig=109297081742298072739&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=178&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:85

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Telekinesis Chapter 6 In a flash, Simon and I are at the headquarters.

3 faves · Aug 17, 2012 11:28am






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