Witty Profiles

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Social Media Explained:

I'm eating a #donut
Facebook: I like donuts
Foursquare: This is where I eat donuts
Instagram: Here's a vintage photo of my donut
YouTube: Here I am eating a donut
Linked In: My skills include donut eating
Pinterest: Here's a donut recipe
Last FM: Now listening to "Donuts"
G+: I'm a google employee who eats donuts
Tumblr: #this frikin' donut #can we talk about this frikin' donut for a minute #can we #because on this donut #the sprinkles just comfortably melt into the icing #you can tell that they are so perfectly in tune with each other #and they've come so far from when the sprinkles were just sort of sat on top #barely touching for fear of rejection #just ugh I can't #otp: comfortably melting
Witty: "Donuts are cool" - said by some person
Wattpad: Once upon a time, there were some donuts. Someone ate one and all the other donuts cried. The end
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Social Media Explained: Twitter: I'm eating a #donut Facebook:

17 faves · 1 comments · Aug 13, 2012 1:00pm






musiclover_14 · 1 decade ago
that's why tumblr is so awesome
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