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Going In One Direction. Chapter 10.
I told Ava to be ready by 6:30 tonight. I am taking her somewhere special. It'll be romantic. It was about 4:30 now.
'I'm going to start getting ready. Keir come help me pick an outfit and what..' Ava said smiling ad grabbing Keir. Zayn made a fake sad face and Ava just laughed at him. The girls dissapered.
'Where are you taking her?' Zayn asked me as soon as the girls were out of sight.
'Well I have a romantic picnic getting set out on a secluded part of the beach. Then a walk by the shore and watching the sinset.' I said smiling. Cheesy and overly romantic but I really like Ava and I want her mine.
'Aww, mate that's so sweet. I have yet to take Keiriannah out on a date. Do you think I should soon?' Zayn asked me. I could tell he was nervous about the whole thing.
'You should, well.. I should go get dressed.' I said getting up. Zayn nodded his head and I dissapeared into my room. I picked out a white polo and khakis. I put on my white supras and fixed my hair. I put my cologne on and I was looking hot. I put on my lucky clover necklace. I walked downstairs and Zayn fake whisteled at me. I just laughed and sat down waiting for Ava. About an hour later Keir walked downstairs smiling.
'She looks damn sexy!!!' She said sitting next to Zayn. I smiled. I was getting nervous. All of a sudden I seen Keir smile widely. I looked back and Ava was standing there. I was completely speechless. She was stunning. I stood up and just stared at her. She was wearing a white dress with a green belt and white heels. Her hair was curled and had a white flower in it.
'Wow Ava. You look stunning.' I managed to say.
'Thanks Niall. You look pretty damn good yourself.' She said smiling and laughing.
'Well we should get going.' I said grabbing her hand.
'Have fun you two, but not too much fun!!!!!' Keir shouted. We just laughed and headed to my car. I just bought a brand new mercedes and it is red. I opened her door for her and she climbed in. I shut it and ran to the other side. I hopped in and we took off.
'So, can you tell me where we are going?' She asked.
'It's a surprise.' I said looking at her. She turned the radio on and Gotta Be You came on. She turned it up and started singing along with it. I thought it was cute.
'We're here.' I said pulling into a special parking place.
'The beach?' She asked smiling. I nodded. She took off her heels. I gave her a weird look.
'I can't walk in sand with these bad boys on!!' She said getting out of the car. She ran to the sand and stopped and turned around and looked at me. Her hair blowing in the breeze looked absolutely amazing. I ran up to her, then I grabbed her hand and started walking her towards oiur area. I put my hands over her eyes.
'Keep your eyes closed. You can trust me.' I said. She agreed and just went with me. I stopped in front of where the picnic is being held. I took my hands off her eyes and he jaw dropped.
'NIALL!!!! This is so sweet.' She said hugging me. I hugged her back and we sat on the blanket..
'FOOD!!!!' She yelled as I opened the basket. It made me smile. I set everything out and laying it on the basket. We started eating.
'Want to go for a walk?' I asked her finishing my food. She nodded and we got up. We locked hands and walked the shore line of the ocean.
'Niall, this is seriously the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me. I feel like I'm in a movie!' She said smiling and looking at me.
'I'm glad you like it. I had this all planned out before I even knew you liked me.' I admitted shyly.
'That's so sweet.' She said kissing my cheek. Then I realized what I wanted to do. I couldn't wait any longer, I've known Ava for a while and I really like her, and she likes me. I stopped her and stepped in front of her. I moved her hair out of her face.
'Ava, I don't want to wait any longer. I know I told you I would wait after a couple of dates but honestly, I've known you for awhile now. And to be honest this wasn't planned. Avonmora, will you be my girlfriend?' I said nervously. She had a tear in her eye.
'Yes Niall I will.' She said kissing me. I felt the whole world light up. When the kiss was over we started walking again. By the time we got to the other blanket it was sunset and we sat down and watched the sinset. We cuddled. At about 10:30 we decided to go home. The carride was quiet but I was fine with that. When we got home Ava ran inside the house. She ran up to Zayn's room and threw the door open.
'KEIR!!!!!!!!!!' I screamed. Keir jumped out of bed.
'What happened?' She asked rubbing her eyes.
'Niall asked me out!!! And I said yes!!!' I screamed. Keir jumped up and hugged me. Zayn was still sound asleep and I had no clue as to how. Then Niall came into the room. Keir went up and hugged him and whispered something into his ear. He smiled so I guess it was a good thing.
'Well, I better get some sleep so I can be plenty hyper tomorrow to tell everyone else inculding sleeping beauty there.' I said pointing to Zayn. Keir and I hugged and said goodnight then I kissed Niall and snuck into Louis's room and laid down. Niall texted me and said goodnight beautiful. ?I sent a smiley face and a goodnight back then plugged my phone in and changed into my pj's and laid down. I fell asleep quickly. It was the first time in a long time I've been able to fall asleep smiling and completely happy and not a care in the world and it was all because of Niall. And to be honest, I love the feeling.
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Going In One Direction. Chapter 10. *Niall'sPOV* I told Ava

12 faves · Aug 4, 2012 7:56pm






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