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1 faves · 7 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




Niall_in_style · 1 decade ago
I know what you mean, I feel this way sometimes.. :/
so,If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here :)
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xxxtheicekillerxxx · 1 decade ago
You're not unloved. I don't even know you, but I do know that's a fact. & make your mom & grandpa proud. Let them see you get through this. They're watching you every second, & congratulations for lasting this long, now just keep going to make them prouder.
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WhatIsLoveTheseDays · 1 decade ago
No, you can't. Things may be extremely difficult now but I promise that they will get better. Dying will not make things better, it will make things worse for everyone. You don't deserve to die because I know that you can do great things with your life. Things are extremely difficult now... I know. But I promise you that things will get better. You are NOT stupid. You are NOT worthless. And you are NOT unloved. I know that's what it feels like right now, but I promise you that there are people that care about you. I care about you. The people on witty care about you. And you know if people hate on you for the little things you say, then that's their problem and not yours. They're jealous of how amazing you are :)
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_RealRico_ · 1 decade ago
C'mon bro, stop that suicidal sht.
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ErinRAWR · 1 decade ago
I know words hurt. I know suicide seems like the answer. But it never is. You won't see how much impact you have on the people that love you. I'm like everyone else, begging you not to. Please, don't do it.
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MyWittyProfile · 1 decade ago
no don't :(
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VintageParis · 1 decade ago
please don't! You have your whole life ahead of you!

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