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Going In One Direction. Chapter 4.
I jumped into Niall's bed, and Ava and Harry jumped into his and Liam jumped into bed with Zayn. Cher ran to her room. I crawled under the covers and Niall just pulled me closer. He didn't even wake up. Louis came in screaming. Niall woke up looking at me. 'When did you get in here?' He said looking at me and smiling.
;Like ten minutes ago. We pulled a prank on Louis. He was wrapped in syran wrap and we threw him in the pool. He's looking for us. Protect me?' I asked kissing his cheek. 'Always.' He said cuddling up to me. Just then Louis burst through the door. 'I'm going to murder you guys!!!!' He was getting water everywhere. 'Go away we're having couples time minus Zayn and Liam.' Avonmora yelled. Louis grabbed some clothes then walked out. Harry got up and put a movie in.
'Damn.' I whispered.
'What babe?' Harrysaid looking at me.
'Oh nothing. That whole thing with Louis was bloody funny. It was all Cher's idea but me and Keir went along with it.' I said smiling.
'Keiriannah, what are you guys doing over there?' Harry asked looking over at Niall's bed.
'We were kissing before you rudely interupted.' Niall said.
'Sorry mate, looked like something else.' Harry said turning and facing me. His eyes were like the ocean.. Endless and breath taking. I could stare into them and never get tired of them.
'Is something wrong babes?' He asked me. I snapped out of my daze.
'Yeah, sorry. I just legit got lost in your eyes.' I said kissing him.
'We should have a sleepover!!!!!!' Keir yelled jumping out of Niall's bed. She almost fell but Niall caught her.
'With us?' Niall asked.
'Duh?' She said giving him a look. 'Bloody hell that's brilliant!!' Zayn joined in.
'IT'S ALIVE!!!!!' I yelled pointing at Zayn. He laughed.
'I agree.' Liam and Louis said as they walked in and sat down on the couch.
'Well, let's go Keir. I have a surprise for our boys!' I said getting up. We jumped up and left. 'Shopping!!' I yelled. Keir's face lit up and she screamed. We got to the mall about ten minutes later. We parked and walked in. All we bought were some socks, pajamas, slippers, hair accessories and a outfit for the next day. 'Let's go get some food.' I said pointing to the food court. Keir nodded her head and we went and bought some pizza. We sat down and ate. We left about 30 minutes later. When we got back to the boys house, we walked in and set our stuff in their room. The boys were gone doing the show. We turned on the telly in their room and watched them perform as we started cleaning their room. It was a disaster. 'Bloody hell, how could five guys be so messy?' Jeir asked. I smiled and said 'You just answered your own question.' Two hours later the room was spotless. 'They better keep it this way.' Keir said writing them a note. It read. 'You're welcome. Took 2 hours. XOXO-Keir&Ava' We shut the door and taped it on there. We then walked downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for them to get home. Rhyan got sent home, which Ava and I were happy about. 'Hey girls!' Cher said walking upstairs and heading towards her room. Then we heard a loud noise. 'The boys are here.' We said as we looked at each other. The boys came piling into the door and up the steps. They didn't even notice us sitting on the couch. They walked up to their room and Harry opened the door. They walked in and just stood there shocked. Keir and I was standing at the doorway. 'You're welcome.' Keir and I said walking in and sitting down. 'Thanks guys!' Louis said hugging us. Harry got up and moved to his bed. He laid on his back with his hands behind his head. I got up and sat on top of him. We were chatting, then it led to making out. Then we heard the door open and we stopped. It was Keir and Niall. 'How you doin' sexual?!?' I asked Keir laughing. 'Not as much as you right now.' She said sitting down with Niall.
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Going In One Direction. Chapter 4. I jumped into Niall's

15 faves · 2 comments · Jul 27, 2012 11:14pm






Izc101 · 1 decade ago
Hey! I saw your quote in random (:
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bunnybaby32 · 1 decade ago
Love love love(:! Do ou do updates? Cause of you do, could you update me maybe? That would be great love(: stay gorgeous xx
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