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Dear old best friend.
                               We were best friends for almost 9 years, and things just had to ruin it. You lied to me, you backstabbed me, you told the person i hate what i said about her, you told me i wasn't a true friend. but most of all .. you still wanna be my friend? Trust me, if i could, i'd take you back in a heart beat, but i can't. You need to start learning where i'm coming from with everything. I'm not working things out with her, end of story. I don't like her or any of them, end of story. I never would have knew, something like this would ruin our 9 years of friendship. You go back to being friends with them, AFTER the fact that you b*tched about them always wanting to know sh*t about your love life, well guess what ... now that you can't stick with one answer, you'll never understand. But i'm done talking about all this.
I will tell you straight up though, i really will miss our times of hanging out & what not. & you were one of my best friends that i could tell anything to, but now i don't have that, which sucks ...but whatever. :'( I hope things get better for you in the end, but till then ... i can't stick around. I gotta move on. But just one thing about all this, NO ONE will ever have amazing memories like you & I shared. Forever & always, i'll miss it. </3 
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Dear old best friend. We were best friends for almost 9 years,

8 faves · 2 comments · May 21, 2012 9:23pm






MusicIsLifexoxo · 1 decade ago
i freaking LOVE this. & you ♥
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idontneedtobebeautifull · 1 decade ago
aaww :c
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