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Sunsets - Chapter 15

Timothy's parents were very kind to Rosie, but she could tell they had expected him to bring home a girl like Gina; tanned, pretty, and fake.
Rosie smiled and made light conversation here and there, but Timothy's mom did most of the talking, going on and on about how Rosie should change her hair and how she should do her nails... Rosie just tried to ignore it.
Of course, Rosie did get to meet Timothy's sister, a dark haired girl with strikingly blue eyes.
"Hello," she said with a smile upon meeting Rosie, "I'm Kate. It's very nice to meet you."
Kate was younger than Rosie and Timothy, about ten, but she was pretty tall for her age.
After the lunch was done, Rosie and Timothy had pushed their earlier fight aside, trying to savor the rest of the day.
"Hey 'lil miss," Timothy said with a southern drawl, "I do believe it's time for us to be gettin' to where we supposed to be."
"And where's that?" Rosie giggled.
"Er," Timothy said, loosing his accent and struggling to bring it back, "uh, whe-where ever you'd like, ma'am."
"Hmmm," Rosie grinned, tapping her chin, "how about that cute little store I saw on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Ocean Court?"
Timothy thought long and hard, "Rainbow?" he asked, completely loosing his accent.
"YES!" Rosie jumped, clapping her hands together, "Rainbow."
Timothy rolled his eyes, but held his arm out, "Ma'am?"
Rosie just shook her head, took Timothy's arm and started walking.
After a little, Rosie and Timothy had successfully made it to Rainbow and began combing through the racks of clothes.
Rosie held up the shortest skirt she had ever seen, it was neon pink.
"Mmm, what about this?" Rosie tilted her head to the side.
Timothy's eyebrows knitted together as he looked at it, cocking his head to the left.
"Your momma sure would like it," Rosie said, joining in on Timothy's fun and using a southern drawl.
Timothy laughed and nodded, using his own southern accent,  "Nah darlin', them there skirts are crazier than a wolfdog howlin' at a half moon!"
Rosie laughed and tossed the skirt back, not even bothering to hang it up properly.
After fifteen minutes of that, the little bell that signifies someone walking into the store dinged a few times.
Turning at the same time to see who is was, Timothy's face went white and Rosie's jaw dropped.
It was Anthony and Gina.

Yeah, the names of those streets? Sunset Boulevard and Ocean Court? I don't actually know if those are in Florida, but I do know they're here in my state! xD Kinda funny if you ask me... Anyway, I'm glad to be getting some more feed-back, I hope you guys like this chapter! Fave, comment, follow. ♥ Give me feed-back! -Becca(;

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Sunsets - Chapter 15 Timothy's parents were very kind to

8 faves · 1 comments · Apr 17, 2012 10:08pm






CaseyIsTotallyAwesome · 1 decade ago
My jaw dropped too... Dun, dun, duhhh!
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