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Sunsets - Chapter 12

What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction broke through the laughter.
Rosie composed herself as best she could and answered her phone, "Hello?"
"Rosie! Oh my God, I was so worried about you! Are you okay? Where are you? Is-"
Rosie cut Anthony off, "Calm down! I'm fine," Rosie shot a glance at a topless Timothy, "Tim found me. We-"
"Oh okay, good, where are you? I'm coming to get you! I'm coming right now!"
The line went dead and Rosie chuckled.
"What'd he say?" Timothy asked, leaning back in the sand.
Rosie leaned down next to him, "He asked where I was and then said he was coming to get me..."
Timothy looked at her quizzically.
"I never told him where I was..."
Timothy let out a booming laugh, "Oh Tony, what are we going to do with him?"
Rosie shook her head, "I have no idea."
Timothy smiled.
Rosie looked back out across the water; she and Timothy had gone swimming and had a water fight, kind of like the one she and Anthony'd had, but this one was different...
Timothy was starting to feel like Rosie's brother, the best guyfriend she'd never had, it was nice.
"I could get used to this," Rosie thought as Timothy nonchalantly wrapped an arm around her.
What Makes You Beautiful started playing again, and Rosie sat up, shaking her head as she saw Anthony's number on her screen.
"Rosie! Hey, where are you again...?"
"I never told you."
"Yeah... exactly..."
A small smile spread across Rosie's lips, "I'm on the beach in front of..." Rosie paused, and looked around.
"We're just in front of Richard's house."
Rosie frowned and tilted her head, but Timothy smiled gently, "Just tell him that."
"...Right." Rosie continued, "We're in front of Richard's house?"
"Got it! I'll be right there!"
The line went dead.
Rosie sat down and leaned against Timothy's shoulder.
She let out a yawn as she watched the sun dip low in the sky, "I had a fantastic day."
Timothy gently laid his chin on the top of Rosie's head, "My day was better."
Rosie leaned forward and looked at him, a grin on her face.
"Watch the sunset," Timothy said, turning Rosie's head.
Watch the sunset.
The words broke Rosie's heart; five sunsets left.
Rosie's eyes twinkled as the sun vanished behind the waves.

MESSAGE TO KC: Tony is 'everybody', Rosie is you, and Timothy is... lol, idk, any other guy you can think of. How about Mikel? (; ♥ Give me feed-back! -Becca(;

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Sunsets - Chapter 12 What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction

7 faves · Apr 5, 2012 3:12pm






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