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 I wish
that I could go up to him and tell him that I still love him. But he probably wouldn't care and I would look like a fool.

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I wish that I could go up to him and tell him that I still love

17 faves · 1 comments · Mar 20, 2012 6:13pm





break up

CrystalHearted · 1 decade ago
do it trust me i am moving away from the guy i love and never once told him so i look like the fool because it wont even matter. if i had a chance like you i would TAKE IT. i know easier said then done but if it helps do it in notes work up to saying it out loud but you have to do it and when i say write notes i mean have your friend give them to him you'll be happy if he likes you to and i am here i just went through this and it turned into a heart break it could work out for you though. good luck.
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