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Two Worlds Collide         Part 1
There were only 3 weeks of summer left, and the weather was already drastically changing. "Come on Dallas!" I heard my best friend Toby scream. I grabbed mt sweat shirt out of his car. I made sure to watch where I was going. Tobys path way to his front pourch was hard to see & it was getting dark out. And to make it even worse I was a total klutz. I stood on the stairs and scaned everyone to see who I knew. I saw some of my friends from school. There was Ashley, holding on to her boyfriend Adams arm tight. There was Kailyn and Kayleigh, having there own little conversation and then there Toby, talking to the person sitting right beside him.
"I think you know everyone here" Toby said while looking at the group of his friends. "Except for Zack." Toby looked at Zack then looked at me, and he started to smile. Zack had short-ish hair. It had a little curl to it. He had green eyes. His skin was tanned. "Hey" Zack said while smiling. "Hi" I said. I started to blush, but I have no idea why. "Sit down, Dallas!" Toby said while taking a sip of his Iced tea. "Maybe I like standing up!" I said jokingly. I looked around for a seat, And how ironicly, The only free seat was next to Zack. I took my time walking over to the seat. I saw Zack, spying me down. I quickly looked away from him & waited a couple seconds to look back. When I did, Zack looked away & started smiling. This was going to be a long, annoying night.

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Two Worlds Collide Part 1 There were only 3 weeks of summer left,

17 faves · 2 comments · Feb 3, 2012 7:29pm






xhateyou · 1 decade ago
hey, im new here : )
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swagyouwouldkillfor · 1 decade ago
this is realllly goood :)
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