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The Unforeseen


Hey my name is Steven, I'm 19 years old and I'm a student at Delta University here in what's left of Washington DC. Yeah, you heard me; WHAT'S LEFT OF IT. Now, your all probably like,"WHA-??" or "...k?" so let me explain.

A year ago, a plague was started after an unknown scientist snuck an infected lab rat onto a private plane. Somehow the rat ecaped from its cage and bit a flight attendant infecting her with this undiscovered disease. After the first person was infected, all of them got infected. The plane crashed somewhere near Las Vegas. When officials investigated the area where the plane crashed, they couldnt find any bodies of the crew nor passengers. They sent out search parties to search the area to see if any of them survived. Every search party went missing. Over the past couple of months after, there were reports of dark figures of people seen all over the city and of more and more people missing.  Eventually this disease spread all over the U.S. I'm afraid that if this continues, it could spread throughout the continent and maybe even the world.
After reports were sent all over the world, the people that were smart decided to take refuge in santuaries such as Delta. The not-so-smart-ones were infected and turned into Feites(infected) These safe zones keep in touch with one another for status reports and they need assistance. Universities all over the country are working day and night to find some sort of antidote but nothing new has happened. I just hope that we can survive another night of torture as these sickos attack the campus. Ah well I guess it's back to--
"Steven! The professor's been infected! Come quick!!", a woman screamed from down the hall.
"What!? I'm coming! Tell Jackson to bring in a crew of Riotsheilds!"
Great...now I my science teacher's a zombie dude...

Hey! Thanks for reading! I don't know if I should go on with this story so 


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The Unforeseen Intro Hey my name is Steven, I'm 19 years

6 faves · 1 comments · Jan 15, 2012 3:12pm






Blurryface* · 1 decade ago
Zombies..:3 XD
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