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Forever and Always
-Chapter 1-
And finally, summer it was. I had been counting down the days until today. The very first day of summer.
"Have fun!" my mother yelled as I pulled out of the driveway. 
I was riding my red Sedan. "Thanks mom! Love you, bye!" I yelled back as I started driving towards my destination, New Jersey.
I was in New York, so it wasn't that long. Though I had to pick up my two best friends which I would be living for the next 1 and a half month, Stephanie and Michelle.
"Hurry up guys! We're running late!" I screamed as I honked from the outside of their mansion. Yes, they were sisters.
"Shut up Katherine! We're coming!" Michelle said as they stepped out on their porch. They were carrying their bags, and it seemed like they had 5 bags each. But we managed to get them inside my trunk. 
"Okay! Let's get going!" Steph yelled, as she raised both of her arms in excitement. 
I let out a slight chuckle. "Chill, Steph. We'll get going soon."
"Just drive!" Michelle said. I gave her a cold stare as I started the engine.
"Okay girls, here's the deal. We'll be staying at a rental house and we will all chip in. In the end, we are staying for almost half of the summer, it won't be cheap," I said.
"Don't worry Kathy," Steph said, "we've got enough money."
They both gave me a grin as I tried to keep my eyes on the road. 

When we got to our rental house, we realized it was big. Really big. 
We started to unpack and we picked rooms. We were all saying at different rooms and each of us had their own bathroom. 
Everything was going great, just as we expected our first day in Jersey to be.
We went for a walk on the beach. We stripped down to out bikinis and our shorts only and went walking on the beach that layed an amazing sunset. We laughed a lot, as usual.
Everything seemed right, for now.
None of us were planning on meeting anyone special.
None of us were planning on falling in love. 

We got back to the house. 
"I'm exhausted, see you tomorrow guys," I said as I walked up the stairs.
"Good night," they both yelled back.
Everything seemed to be going well.
Little did I know my life was about to change soon. Pretty soon.

Please comment with feedback, characters and if you enjoyed the first chapter. I don't really know where this is going, but I promise 'll give it a nice twist :)
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P.S: this is obvioustly lollipopx3's format. all format credit to her

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Forever and Always -Chapter 1- And finally, summer it was. I

13 faves · 2 comments · Dec 25, 2011 10:39pm






OneLoveOneShot_Stories · 1 decade ago
this makes me miss Jerseey Shore and summer. At least Jersey Shore is coming back on TV soon! Anywaayys, good chapter. ;p
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idratherdiewithdignity · 1 decade ago
I'll read this(: it's reay good(: can you please keep me posted when new chapters are up?
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