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Chapter 1

I drove up to this huge white house, with Christmas lights strung across the front. I assumed this was the address. I pulled into the driveway, and stopped my car. I took the keys out of the ignition, and sat there for a moment, bracing myself for what was to come. I took a breath, threw my keys in my purse, and got out of the car. I walked up to the house, more like mini mansion, and rang the doorbell. I fluffed my dark straight hair, adjusted my dress, and sucked in. Footsteps approached me, as a tall figure opened the door. "Hi. I'm Mr.Janson. You must be Brett's girlfriend, Hal ley." I nodded and flashed my pearly whites. "Yes sir." He smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Come on in. It's freezing outside." I thanked him and stepped inside, gasping about how beautiful the house was. A spiral staircase led upstairs, and wreathes were hanging from the stairs. Dozens of people were chatting, drinking out of fancy wine glasses, alll dressed up. There was a crystal chandelier hanging above me. "Your house is beautiful." Mr.Janson laughed and replied, "Oh this is nothing. But thank you. Let me take your coat." I slid off my coat, and handed it to him. He held it out to a small spanish woman, and she took it, and brought it to the front hall closet. I went to go searching for Brett, when a strong hand grabbed my arm. Their grasp was tight. They were squeezing the bruise. I yelped in pain, as they yanked me into a dark closet. The person breathed, and I could smell the taste of liquor on their breath. "Why are you so late?" I stuttered and choked out, "I'm sorry Brett. I was caught up in getting ready." I saw him raise his hand, as he brought it to my face, and slapped me. I wanted to cry so bad, but I was used to it. "When someone tells you to come at a certain time, you listen to them." I nodded and whispered, "Ok." He opened the door and pushed me out. I brought my hand to the cheek where he had hit me. If only I could brake up with him. Everyone expected us to date though. He's the most popular boy, I'm the most popular girl. It's like we are forced to fake our love. I wanted someone better, who will treat me right, and protect me from bastards like him. A young woman, about 30, started talking to us, and Brett wrapped his hand around my waist, listening intently, acting like nothing happened. Classic Brett. He kissed my cheek, and chills ran up my spine. I was scared of my own boyfriend.

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Secrets Chapter 1 I drove up to this huge white house, with Christmas

19 faves · 1 comments · Dec 19, 2011 7:37pm






CarterCruden · 1 decade ago
Thats great. Im already hooked
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