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Other Side Of The World
Chapter 6.
I woke up at 7am, dammit I’m late.
I quickly slipped on some sweatpants and a white Hollister shirt and some uggs. I wanted to look good for him but he leaves in 10 minutes, not much time at all. I ran down to house luckily he only lives 3 blocks away. His parents were packing every little thing in the trunk of the car till Alec’s dad closed it.
“WAIT!” I shouted running down the street, I saw Alec looking up and smiling. I hugged onto him tightly.
“Hey let go I can’t breathe” he said pulling me away but still clutching onto my hands, “I thought you wasn’t going to make it”
“I slept in” I said letting out a quick smile. Just then he kissed me on the lips then kissed me on the cheeks, “And guess what”
“What?” Alec said still holding onto me, “Tell me Eve”
“My mom’s having a baby” I said letting out a smile, Alec smiled and hugged me.
“Tell your mom I said congratulations” he said walking inside I followed him inside where his mom was scanning all the rooms.
“When will you next be here?” I asked looking into his blue eyes they looked icy blue.
“I don’t know babe, when’s your moms wedding?” he asked looking at me, I looked at him and smiled was he going to make it?
“19th July” I said sitting down on the floor.
“Alright Alec it’s time to go, do you want us to drop you off home?” Alec’s dad Frank said smiling at me, “You’re welcome to come see us in England sometime”
“Thanks, I might have to take that offer” I said smiling, “I’m sure mom and Paul would have some money, I’ll walk home it’s alright”
“Alright” Frank said hugging me, “You’ll always be a part of the family”
We went outside where Alec gave me on last kiss before getting into the car, I hugged Grace. Ariel and Frank before they drove off. I walked back with tears dripping from my eye, that’s not the goodbye I wanted, the idea of the goodbye in my head was him sticking his head out the window yelling goodbye that's what they do in movies, right? Then again happy endings only happen in movies, not reality. Movies really screw our female minds. 

Happy Halloween! Hope your all having a good one(:

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Other Side Of The World Chapter 6. I woke up at 7am, dammit

9 faves · Oct 31, 2011 6:56pm






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