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My best friend

I know she shouldn't because she's so amazing, but I can't stop her. 

She won't listen to me. 

Fave if I should tell someone
Comment if I should keep it a secret


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My best friend Cuts. I know she shouldn't because she's

58 faves · 6 comments · Oct 22, 2011 11:29pm






imjustaninnocent · 1 decade ago
I don't think you should because she might loose all trust and all respect for you and then she won't have anyone to trust and anyone to talk to, she would feel all alone and bottle everything up inside and it would kill her.
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flyingpigprincess · 1 decade ago
Maybe you should try everything in your power to stop her.
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YourTotalyQuirkyAndThatsWhatILoveAboutYou · 1 decade ago
I know you said comment if you are to keep it a secret BUT I had to tell you this, YOU NEED TO TELL SOMEONE. Even if it means losing all trust from your best friend and even losing her because once she's helped, She might forgive you. She needs help because she may end up being sucidal. My mum got me this book about true life stories or whatever. This girl had the same problem. Her friend commited sucide. You need to tell someone. If you really care for her, You need to tell someone.
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Hmkay8710 · 1 decade ago
id keep it..because i think i would personally kill whoever told my parents about it.she might never trust you again
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coookie97 · 1 decade ago
My friend does this and i'd keep the secret because she trusts you with it and telling on them is only going to make their problem worse for them and you might lose your friend if you do. I kno i'd lose mine if i told on her.
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
Don't tell someone, it's her business. If you are the only person that knows then she probably only told you because she needed to tell someone and you, being her best friend, are always there for her and she knows she can trust you. I have the same problem... except I'm on the other side of it all. If it were me I wouldn't want you to tell anyone. I'd just want you there for me...especially when I was at my worst. But that's just me.
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