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have you ever

realised you're falling for the wrong person?
cried until you couldn't make any more tears?
kissed your pillow and pretended that you're
kissing him? cut yourself, because it's the only
way you can think of to feel okay? danced in
the rain just because you can? looked in the
mirror and hated what you see? laughed until
you can't even remember why you're laughing,
but then laughed even harder than you were
before because it's hilarious that you can't
remember? gotten butterflies around your best
guy friend and questioned your feelings
for him? wanted to hit your crush with a
shovel or throw a brick at him? used one of
the comebacks from witty at school and felt
like a total boss? imagined killing someone
you hate while you're talking to them? fallen
asleep in class? drawn hearts in the margins
of your textbooks? not eaten, because you want
to feel pretty, but you'll settle for skinny if you
have to? made yourself throw up after eating?
felt so alone that you can't even cry anymore?
don't worry, you're not alone.

me too.


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have you ever realised you're falling for the wrong person?

528 faves · 6 comments · Oct 22, 2011 3:26am






perfectlyme · 1 decade ago
this is completely every little thing in my life all summed up in one quote .. <3
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LivMcSpazz · 1 decade ago
Every last word is my story......... And I hate the fact that people can relate.. But it's nice to have support and not feel so alone..
thumbs up 0 thumbs down reply

xoashox923 · 1 decade ago
story of my lifeee
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mrscastronovo · 1 decade ago
my life . lol .
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carlislecullensdreamdaughter · 1 decade ago
story of my lifee
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xoMaRiSsAxo · 1 decade ago
this is literally my life... every word of it.
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