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"Four years ago, when I was 18, 
I noticed that my front window is very 
reflective so i was pretending to dive
in slow motion and shoot dual pistol style.
Suddenly a really hot girl walked past
and I was startled and fell over. Embarrassed,
I waited for a little bit and then stood up.
As I stood up I saw her slowly shooting an 
imaginary rifle from behind a car.
We then proceeded to do this for 10 minutes
until she did an extremely dramatic death
She wasn't getting up so I went outside to meet her.
Once I got to where she was, there was nothing
but a piece of paper with a mobile number on it.
Today, we are getting married."
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"Four years ago, when I was 18, I noticed that my front

159 faves · 3 comments · Oct 13, 2011 4:23pm






teddy51 · 1 decade ago
omg thts wat i want to happen ! xxxx
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ToniHeartsJls · 1 decade ago
aww thats proper lush xxx
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camey55 · 1 decade ago
that is so sweet! congrats!
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