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Waking Up
(possibly a one-shot?)
If you take the time to read it all, PLEASE COMMENT(: (: (:

Smoke, fire, blood, screaming, so much noise, overwhelming me. Then... nothing.

What they don't teach you in school is that when you're in a coma, you hear everything. Maybe it's just that way with memory loss victims. I don't know, but I'm going to tell you my story anyway.

Time. How much has past? I couldn't tell you. I listen to the voices, they normally tell me.

The first voice I've heard, I've come to figure, is my mother.
Wake up, Emma.
Mommy misses her little girl. Wake up, Emma.
It's been three weeks, love.

The second voice I've heard, which I haven't heard much, is a boy I think must've been my boyfriend.
~It's been a week. Aren't you going to wake up?
~Emma... It's been two weeks. I almost feel single.
~I gotta tell you something. I know you can't hear me... but it's been four weeks and... I slept with Charlotte. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna date her.

I don't think I heard his voice after that confession. I wonder who Charlotte was, and if she was my friend or not. I can't feel anger, mainly because I don't know this boy, and I can't remember whether I had strong feelings for him yet.

The third voice I've heard, which I hear every once in a while, is a girl, who must've been a friend of mine. She doesn't really talk to me.
~...And he kissed her! Oh, well, she deserves him. I mean they're a totally cute couple. The drama has been crazy, so many guys are always all over me...

I feel bad, but I can't help but hope I wasn't like that when I was awake. So caught up in the superficialities of high school.  I tend to tune this girl out.

The fourth and final voice I notice, talks to me the most. No matter how hard I try, I can't place what he must've been in my life. I think he was a friend, but even though I don't know him, I get butterflies when he talks to me. Butterflies... I remember people saying that about feelings. He's the only one who really talks to me as if I could hear him... does he know I can? He was the only one who never said how long it'd been.
~Ah, Emma, it was so great. She took a swing at him and he went crazy. High school couples, huh?
~I had to take my AP History test today. Can you believe it? AP History. We're getting so old.
~Remember how we used to study together? Well.. *laughs* kind of. You would eat whatever junkfood I had, lay on my bed, and make me tell you the interesting things. I thought they were sooo boring, but you never did. Almost every question on that test reminded me of you.
~It's a blue moon tonight. Remember how you told me you'd admit you were beautiful once in a blue moon? Wake up. Even for a second. Admit that you know you're beautiful.

He cried that night, the blue moon. I could hear his tears hit the sheets.
~You used to insist you were gonna be a cat lady. You always thought you'd end up alone, with no one to hold you. Well, I always told you you'd find someone. You know you will. You'd insist that I would, too. You'd say "Come on, don't be a loonie. You'll have the prettiest wife in all the area." Loonie. That was your word for me.
~He's dating Charlotte now, Ems. I know you wouldn't be heartbroken. He was with you because you were beautiful. You were with him because you didn't wanna be alone.
~Holy smokes. All this college prep schoolwork sure sucks. I wish you were here to help me study.

All of the sudden, I could move again. I would've screamed with joy if I didn't know that it would hurt. Movement had hurt whenever I'd tried before. Slowly, I opened my eyes. Staring right back into mine were an old woman's eyes, I guessed to be my mother. She hugged me and started crying, and called the nurse. She told me to stay awake and went to go get others.
The nurse checked my vitals. I still barely remembered anyone. When my mother came back she was with two people.
A boy who was sturdily built, blonde hair, green eyes that looked guilty. The boyfriend.
A girl who seemed bubbly and happy, and superficiality radiated off of her with her pink sunglasses, iPhone, and Prada handbag. The friend.
But where was the boy? Nowhere to be seen.
I got to look at scrapbooks, but I didn't remember anything. Prom, me with the boyfriend my mom told me was named Aaron, and the friend named Abigail. Everyone gave me and Aaron some private time to talk. I apologized for not remembering, not really hurting over the thing with this Charlotte girl. He told me that her and I never really got along. I understood why. More and more people came. Ex-boyfriends that had remained friends with me, other guy friends, other girl-friends. None of them were this boy I'd been listening to for 3 months, they told me.
After about an hour of everyone sitting around me in chairs, chattering about their past with me, I looked up and saw a boy standing in the doorway with a single rose. "Hey, Ems."
"Nate." The word just slipped out of my mouth without me even knowing it, and everyone looked at me like I'd just spoken a different language fluently.
He winked at me. "Knew I was unforgettable."
Suddenly the room exploded, everyone almost shrieking about how they couldn't believe I remembered him and not them.
It took Nate about two steps to cross the room, drop the rose into my lap, brush my cheek with his hand, and gently press his lips against mine.

WHAT YOU THINK! Comments please!!(:
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Waking Up (possibly a one-shot?) If you take the time to read

4 faves · 4 comments · Sep 26, 2011 1:07am






turtlesaresexy · 1 decade ago
I really really like it
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TheMascaraSeries · 1 decade ago
Oh my gosh, i am COMPLETELY in love with this. PLLLEASSE tell me when the next chapters up?!(:
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ChEerLeaDnQueEn · 1 decade ago
CONTINUE!!!! i love it!!
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melissalynn136 · 1 decade ago
i thinkk its really good.i like it :)
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